Thursday, November 5, 2009


I haven't been feeling well. Turns out I have a respitory infection.
Awesome - just how I want to go into taper.
I have had more stupid things happen like this during training - it's so annoying, but what can ya do, but roll with it.
So as I lay here...
bored out of my mind...
sick as a dog...
coughing my lungs up...
sneezing my brains out...
and blowing my nose so much I look liek rudolph...
I have watched a lot of random TV.
1. The Price is Right is not the same without Bob Barker. I refuse to watch it.
2. I prefer my soap opera on DVR so I can fast forward through the commercials and hurry up to the good drama.
3. I learned yesteday during the 4:00 news that not only do we have 4:00 news, but also that the kiwi has more vitamin C than the orange and mroe potassium than the banana. IronGreg took me to the grocery store last ngiht where I picked up 6 of these bad boys. So now every day until Ironman I will have a kiwi with my airborne after I use my neti pot.

Well off to get the humidifier and back to the couch I go.


tri-ing races not cases said...

Your mileage is in already so just concentrate in getting better and eating your kiwis.

Kate said...

Emergen-C is also good, feel better soon.

Ceeej said...

Feel better soon!