Monday, October 31, 2011

Looking at the Bright Side

Call me Alexander. I'm having a case of "the Mondays."

 But the more I hang out in my pity party I am forced to look on the bright side.

- I have completed countless running races, including two marathons.
- I have completed countless triathlons including 5 half ironmans and 2 full ironmans.
- I own my own company.
- I have a great husband. (should probably make that bullet #1)
- I volunteer.
- i have a roof over my head and food in my belly.
- I have good fashion sense.

I mean check that out. It's good to be me.

1 comment:

Matthew Smith said...

What a list of amazing things in your life! Just those two IM's are enough to make you a rock star! You ROCK!