Thursday, April 16, 2009

Baby Showering?

I don't know about what water your friends are drinking, but if they are dipping in the same well as mine, then you also have Baby Fever running rampant!
However, I do love planning showers! (baby and wedding!)
I love searching and finding exciting new give-aways, decorations, and of course, my favorit e- the invitations.
I jsut found my absolute FAVORITE baby shower invitation website.
Because if you are anything like me - going to the fun invitation stores require time that you jsut don't have.
Instant proofs, variety of fonts, help with rhyming. The works!
Seriously - the BEST ever.
Happ Baby Showering!


Joette said...

Glad you posted that site. I am sure I'll be planning a shower for Frieda. I made the baby shower invites for Natalia, and it was tedious. I'll have to check it out.

Law Momma said...

Sorry for the baby fever! I hope it's not contagious... :)

Fave said...

hey you! do not look at the website. not until you receive it in the mail.
and why are apologising - you are growing...boy parts. The least anyone can do is shower you! haha.