Monday, November 24, 2008

Richmond Marathon

Last week I ran my 2nd marathon. It was my brother's 4th.

After weeks of watching the weather we were ready...cold and rainy.
throughout the night we were awakended by the thunderstorms.
Then came time to get up - just a gentle pitter patter of the drops.
Okay that's more like it.

Time goes on.
And the temperature does over 70 degrees.
With headwinds.
and sun.

The girls and I charged forward. Playing the alphabet scattergories game that entertained us during our training. We posed for pictures and were having fun.

Some memorable moments included...

Mile 4 - we passed my condo and Coach G was out there with her kids ringing cowbells for us.

Mile 6 - I saw my mom, sister, and nephew. That was a great booster!

Mile 8 - a tree fell from the wind. not just a branch..the whole thing! It scared the beegees out of us. Timberrrrrr!

Mile 10 - there was a car accident. One car was in our way, so it was being used as a dumping ground for cups after the water stop.

Mile 11 - a woman tried to turn crossing over the path of the runners. I gave her a few choice words. (inspired by Miso?)

Mile 12 - DOMinator met me with my additional bag of shot blocks and enurolyte tablets. this was much needed.

Mile 16 - bonk. right when IronGreg was on the course cheering me on.
I took in more salt and water and caught a 2nd wind.
That didn't last long.
The girls pushed forward.
IronGreg ran the last 10 miles with me pulling me in. blocking the wind for me.

Mile 20 - a sign read "if you haven't puke yet, you're not going to". I laughed at that. surely they didn't know what my tummy was feeling like.

Mile 24 - IronGreg's family was there cheering me (us) on. A great booster.

Mile 26.2 - the finish line. TG KO was there at the bottom of the chute and caught me as my sister came running around the corner to give me a hug and support - I wanted to just puke. but i didn't!

It was not a great race. (for me or my brother) Frustrating to knowI had such good training to end upwith a bad day. But we have to take what we are given.
And most importantly I finished.
Therefore, it was a good day.

There are estimates out there that people were on average 40 minutes slower than their expected finish time.
Goal A - 4:23
Finish time - 5:03

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