Thursday, January 17, 2008

Good Days and Bad Days

as we all know, triathlons come wtih good days...and bad days.
you need the bad days, to appreciate the good.

after a few days of great workouts, it seems to be on the downhill.
Last night's Masters class seemed to kick my butt. I just struggled. I kept getting frustrated and thinking about what I needed to do after class.

Then this morning were 6 more 1/2 mile repeats. every single one was slower than my slowest on saturday! on sautrday i averaged 3:57 and this morning i averaged 4:15 - yowsers!

Then this afternoon the yuck came and I am at home and not cycling and lifting as I should be.
Ho hum. I know I need to rest.

But it's frustrating knowing that I am missing my weekend workout. I am volunteering at ComfortZoneCamp - an organization that I am very passionate about. I know I will have a filled weeked - personally filling, that is.

So between Masters, bad reapeats, missing workouts - I am ready for next week! There's only one way to go and that's up! See you at the top!


Unknown said...

Actually, you did great at master's. That's a hard lane, so consider yourself brave. And sometimes our bodies get tired...we work out hard. Be good to yourself - you deserve it.


tri-ing races not cases said...

You did great Wed night! Think of all your swim progress over the past year! And I think your weekend sounds amazing. Can't wait to hear about it. Will miss you at Sat am class.