Ths snow won.
I didn't get to go BM dress shopping over the weekend.
Oh well.
Appointment is rescheduled for early January. Snow please don't come back then!
It doesn't feel liek Christmas. I try. But I am just not in the spirit. Not grinch, but jksut not feelign the holiday.
Heading home with the family tomorrow so maybe that will help. being together. going to mass. taditional christmas morning omelette.
although this year there i sno shopping ont he 26th - I am heading up to spend a few days with the FIL's. meeting the WHOLE gang. it will be nice. hope the air travel is nice.
well at least i don't have to work until monday. although i think i worked 5 days worth of work and hours in 3.
planned on taking monday off. but not anymore. duty calls.
and let's not even discuss the last time I have seen the inside of the gym.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Snow! Snow! Snow!
I can hear the sounds of Bing crosby and Danny Kay singing the song "Snow!" in Irving Berlin's White Christmas (which, by the way, is the best Christmas movie ever).
I love fresh snow. The innocence...serenity...gentleness.
I hate snow after about oh 2 days. It's dirty and messy and gets in my way.
I can usually be found doing a dance welcoming the glorious white flakes.
Not this time.
We are scheduled to have 6-12 inches...which is HUGE for Virginia. Especially since we had a good snow last year and usually we don't get snow every year!
However, I have an appointment to go Bridesmaid dress shopping up in Alexandria - about 2 hour drive on a normal day (unless you go at the wrong time and you hit DC traffic. then you just start drinking).
So tonight I will be found in my house doing the "NO Snow" dance! I am not quite sure how it goes, but when I figure it out I am sure I will have it mastered.
I don't consider myself Bridezilla, but all I haVe to say to Mother Nature is....

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Melissa Fave, you are an IRONMAN
Two weeks ago, I finished my first Ironman - Ironman Arizona.
It was a lot to take it and the day went by SO fast. 13 hours and 43 minutes never felt so short.
I am happy with the day overall.
I am amazed and thankful for the support I received from near and far.
I promise I will do a race report. Probably over christmas vacation...sorry for the delay, but I am VERY busy at work - which is a good thing!

Saturday, November 21, 2009
IMAZ Pre-Race
damn 64 degree water is cold.
and the sun is hot.
feeling good. don't feel like i am racing tomorrow.
have gotten an amazing amount of support.
miss my puppy.
laying in bed typing is hard. hence the short sentences.
i want a cactus for my backyard.
and the sun is hot.
feeling good. don't feel like i am racing tomorrow.
have gotten an amazing amount of support.
miss my puppy.
laying in bed typing is hard. hence the short sentences.
i want a cactus for my backyard.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My race gear is 95% packed.
Jsut need to add a few items like bottled water that I will get in Tempe.
My clothes are 100% packed.
Just need to add my toiletries on Thursday morning.
My travel clothes for Thursday are all laid out.
The bathroom has been cleaned.
The floors have been mopped/vacuumed.
The laundry has been done.
(some of ) the dusting has been completed.
I have typed up my itinerary for Thursday ending on Monday with my 7am trip to the IM finisher's store.
I have the family grocery list since I get there first. I have to get milk for my FAVorite nephew!
Oh! I need to pack my iPod and camera charger! Let me add that to tonight's list!
Yup, I'm just about ready to go!
Jsut need to add a few items like bottled water that I will get in Tempe.
My clothes are 100% packed.
Just need to add my toiletries on Thursday morning.
My travel clothes for Thursday are all laid out.
The bathroom has been cleaned.
The floors have been mopped/vacuumed.
The laundry has been done.
(some of ) the dusting has been completed.
I have typed up my itinerary for Thursday ending on Monday with my 7am trip to the IM finisher's store.
I have the family grocery list since I get there first. I have to get milk for my FAVorite nephew!
Oh! I need to pack my iPod and camera charger! Let me add that to tonight's list!
Yup, I'm just about ready to go!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Race Week
It's official.
Race week is here.
6 days to go.
I fly to Arizona on Thursday.
My bags are getting packed.
my nerves and anxiety are building.
The miles are in the bank.
I have my plan and I have to stick to it.
I have been worried about the run since the surgery. I ran 5 miles yesterday OUTSIDE and felt good. I am going to try to run a 9:1 interval (run 9 minutes, walk 1 minute). but if I need more, than plan B will be a 4:1 interval. this also helps keep my mind occupied.
Lou and IronGreg will have their running shoes on. Each loop is roughly 8 miles...I hope they are ready to run 8 miles each! haha.
Here goes nothing!
Race week is here.
6 days to go.
I fly to Arizona on Thursday.
My bags are getting packed.
my nerves and anxiety are building.
The miles are in the bank.
I have my plan and I have to stick to it.
I have been worried about the run since the surgery. I ran 5 miles yesterday OUTSIDE and felt good. I am going to try to run a 9:1 interval (run 9 minutes, walk 1 minute). but if I need more, than plan B will be a 4:1 interval. this also helps keep my mind occupied.
Lou and IronGreg will have their running shoes on. Each loop is roughly 8 miles...I hope they are ready to run 8 miles each! haha.
Here goes nothing!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I haven't been feeling well. Turns out I have a respitory infection.
Awesome - just how I want to go into taper.
I have had more stupid things happen like this during training - it's so annoying, but what can ya do, but roll with it.
So as I lay here...
bored out of my mind...
sick as a dog...
coughing my lungs up...
sneezing my brains out...
and blowing my nose so much I look liek rudolph...
I have watched a lot of random TV.
1. The Price is Right is not the same without Bob Barker. I refuse to watch it.
2. I prefer my soap opera on DVR so I can fast forward through the commercials and hurry up to the good drama.
3. I learned yesteday during the 4:00 news that not only do we have 4:00 news, but also that the kiwi has more vitamin C than the orange and mroe potassium than the banana. IronGreg took me to the grocery store last ngiht where I picked up 6 of these bad boys. So now every day until Ironman I will have a kiwi with my airborne after I use my neti pot.
Well off to get the humidifier and back to the couch I go.
Awesome - just how I want to go into taper.
I have had more stupid things happen like this during training - it's so annoying, but what can ya do, but roll with it.
So as I lay here...
bored out of my mind...
sick as a dog...
coughing my lungs up...
sneezing my brains out...
and blowing my nose so much I look liek rudolph...
I have watched a lot of random TV.
1. The Price is Right is not the same without Bob Barker. I refuse to watch it.
2. I prefer my soap opera on DVR so I can fast forward through the commercials and hurry up to the good drama.
3. I learned yesteday during the 4:00 news that not only do we have 4:00 news, but also that the kiwi has more vitamin C than the orange and mroe potassium than the banana. IronGreg took me to the grocery store last ngiht where I picked up 6 of these bad boys. So now every day until Ironman I will have a kiwi with my airborne after I use my neti pot.
Well off to get the humidifier and back to the couch I go.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday I twisted my ankle as I began my transition run.
Sunday I hit my toe so hard on my nephew's high chair. It almost broke. Crooked and swollen, but no black and blue!!!
Today I ran smack into a chair at work.
I think I need more sleep.
Sunday I hit my toe so hard on my nephew's high chair. It almost broke. Crooked and swollen, but no black and blue!!!
Today I ran smack into a chair at work.
I think I need more sleep.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Here and There
Last weekend was the annual TRIgirl Fall Ironman Camp int he Eastern shore that includes a century ride. I wasn't sure if I was goign to go since I have been out of town so much on the weekends, but decided that the time with my training friends was well worth the time away.
Friday after work I drove the 2.5 hours there. Driving across the 18 mile bridge was crazy! Waves crashign below me in the dark. My car swaying in the wind. Just praying that Diamond is securely fastened on top! Boy was I glad to get out of the car.
Then Saturday morning came. 42 degrees. 16-20 mph winds. and rain. and ltos of it. A coupld of us triend to come up with other ways to train and take advantage of the time and not be in the nasty weather. but we pushed onward and upward. It only rained...for the first 3 hours! It was a slow ride. there was no fun to be found. A handful of people yurned around at mile 25 to get in 50 miles. Myself and 3 others turned around at mile 35 to get in 70 miles. And I am okay with that. no regrets. 4 poeple did the 100 and they were miserable. yeah see not for me. when the fun factor is lost what's the point? i've ridden 112 a few weeks ago. and i have a few more weeks before taper.
Fortunately on sunday sicne there were 20-30 mph winds, I put my bike INSIDE my car for the journey home back over the 18 mile bridge. as I was nearing the bridge there were construction signs warning on the winds and the restriction going over the bridge. driving over the bridge was like a movie. waves crashing against the bidge - hitting my car! it was plain nuts. But I did find out that those who had their bike on top of their cars were stopped. a van had to take their bikes across. so they had to get out. take the bikes off. put them in this random van. then meet the van and put them back on top n the freezing cold. but everyone survived. and the trainign continues. this weekend is a nice "recovery" 4 hour ride.
oh i did run 2:4 on the treadmill at the gym! i was tired after 2 hours though. bored. at least there is a tv to watch. to o bad is it not conected to my DVR at home!
wedding updat:
the date is set.
june 19, 2010 at 2:00pm in Charlotte.
Church, Reception (caterer and cake maker included), photographer, trolley, trumpeter all booked.
website undre construction.
next weekend are the engagement shots to put in the paper and to make the save the date cards.
it's all falling into place.
it's hard planning a long distance wedding!
IronGreg is racing today...but it's tomorrow where he is down under. G'day mate.
I asked for a koala and kangaroo or two to come back in his suitcase, but requested no dingos. he offered a snake and jellyfish from the nasty river he swims in. now if that ain't love...
I am so pround of my FAH (Future Awesome Hubby). Go Team USA!!!! Go IronGreg!!!
Friday after work I drove the 2.5 hours there. Driving across the 18 mile bridge was crazy! Waves crashign below me in the dark. My car swaying in the wind. Just praying that Diamond is securely fastened on top! Boy was I glad to get out of the car.
Then Saturday morning came. 42 degrees. 16-20 mph winds. and rain. and ltos of it. A coupld of us triend to come up with other ways to train and take advantage of the time and not be in the nasty weather. but we pushed onward and upward. It only rained...for the first 3 hours! It was a slow ride. there was no fun to be found. A handful of people yurned around at mile 25 to get in 50 miles. Myself and 3 others turned around at mile 35 to get in 70 miles. And I am okay with that. no regrets. 4 poeple did the 100 and they were miserable. yeah see not for me. when the fun factor is lost what's the point? i've ridden 112 a few weeks ago. and i have a few more weeks before taper.
Fortunately on sunday sicne there were 20-30 mph winds, I put my bike INSIDE my car for the journey home back over the 18 mile bridge. as I was nearing the bridge there were construction signs warning on the winds and the restriction going over the bridge. driving over the bridge was like a movie. waves crashing against the bidge - hitting my car! it was plain nuts. But I did find out that those who had their bike on top of their cars were stopped. a van had to take their bikes across. so they had to get out. take the bikes off. put them in this random van. then meet the van and put them back on top n the freezing cold. but everyone survived. and the trainign continues. this weekend is a nice "recovery" 4 hour ride.
oh i did run 2:4 on the treadmill at the gym! i was tired after 2 hours though. bored. at least there is a tv to watch. to o bad is it not conected to my DVR at home!
wedding updat:
the date is set.
june 19, 2010 at 2:00pm in Charlotte.
Church, Reception (caterer and cake maker included), photographer, trolley, trumpeter all booked.
website undre construction.
next weekend are the engagement shots to put in the paper and to make the save the date cards.
it's all falling into place.
it's hard planning a long distance wedding!
IronGreg is racing today...but it's tomorrow where he is down under. G'day mate.
I asked for a koala and kangaroo or two to come back in his suitcase, but requested no dingos. he offered a snake and jellyfish from the nasty river he swims in. now if that ain't love...
I am so pround of my FAH (Future Awesome Hubby). Go Team USA!!!! Go IronGreg!!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
I said yes.
October 11th.
A day that I will never forget.
It is the day my father lost his battle with cancer - 17 years ago.
This year the memories associated with this day were changed.
It started out as every sunday these days does, with a long run.
Afterwards, though, a group of us were headed to the Charlottesville area to do some wine tasting. Our first stop was King Family Vineyards - my fave.
Our rowdy crew enjoyed the private barrel-room tasting as we checked off who knew wine facts! (Lou). We decided that our next stop will be Veritas. A favorite of some of my friends, but yet I have never been there. As we were getting ready to leave KFV I told Greg that Veritas is special b/c my good friend Barrett proposed to his lovely fiance, Tyler, there.
On our way we passed Pollack Vineyards and made a last minute decision to stop there first. When we got there we decided that after the wine we consumed we should pause for a picnic. We decide that some will go inside and buy a few bottles and I will lay out the picnic. So Miso and Aaron, and IronGreg and I begin to lay out the picnic. Miso and Aaron decide to go check on the wine choices, and Greg and I go for a walk through the vineyards. His palms were sweaty and I am quite curious. We chatted about the memories of the day and how in one second your whole life changes. (not thinking that I am totally setting him up!) As we mosey on around the vineyards, everything is so pretty, so I suggest that we take some pictures (surprise I want pictures). After a few shots, IronGreg asks me to stand under a tree and he will take my picture.
As he takes the picture he takes it on one knee. It didn't phase me at first. Then I walk over to him and look at the pictur e- he is still on one knee.
Fave: Now let me take one of you.
IronGreg: Okay. But I think it would be better if you were wearing...this!
He pulled out the most beautiful ring. A custom design we made together and itturned out bette than I imagined. So beautiful in fact that the designer wants to use it! um don't we have a patent on this design?
So IronGreg asks me to marry him. And what do I say? "For real?" I am so romantic!
He slips the ring on my finger and after lots of hugs and kisses...
IronGreg: So it that a yes?
Fave: Yes! Did I not say yes? oops, of course it's a yes!
We return to the rast of the group who all have been in onthis and are eargerly awaiting our return. Lou has the whole patio toast to our new engagement. there was one couple there celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary and another couple celebrating their 24th!
After allthe excitement and phone calls and rinks and eats at Pollack, we finally make our way to Veritas, where a wedding is about to happen.
At Veritas I have to text Barrett who got engaged here and waddaya know - he and Tyler were sitting on the patio!
we return to Richmond and the FIL's were driving through town and knew what was happening, so we finished the night off with dinner at The Boathouse at Rockett's Landing. Wonderful champagne and more wine of course!
So a day that was filled with sad memories, has been changed in a second. And is now filled with joy and love.
I love you, IronGreg!
oh and when I called my brother he was on the trainer and his response, "so can IronGreg and I wear spandex to the wedding?" oh he's a funny one.
Thank you to all my friends who helped make this day so special. I look forward to the times and memories to come. 
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Catching Up
Life gets away sometimes.
Patriot's HIM
I did half a report.
Ultimately I struggled the whole race with getting over the bad swim.
I did have a good run especially considering it was the longest run post-op.
Somehow...I PR'd.
Chesapeakman AV
I finished.
The Choptank is definitely shoppy. It as the first time I threw up WHILE swimming. I went to go take a breathe and - didn't even know it was coming.
Some poeple threw up multiple times.
I sang a song to myself about being a sock in a washing machine.
I did not get lost.
But was slower than anticipated.
It was longest swim ever, so high five to that.
the bike was windy - my number one nemesis.
But I pushed on through and finished it in 6:45.
Having nothing to go off of, I am ine with this.
Somehow I ended up 3rd in my AG. now there were only 7 people, but hey that means i was in the top 50% which is always my goal.
so high five to that.
Margo and rich got married.
i am back to running on the treadmill for long runs.
i got my dress for Shea and jason's wedding.
i had flu-like symptoms last week and am still weak, but much better and no more fever and can talk again. i rode with mi amigas last night and they kicked my butt. my HR was higher than it should be on the bike. but lower than the 230 it hit on thursday after 10 minutes. (Clearly i got off the bike and called it a day then.)
i started listening to a book on "tape" (iPod) and now I just want to drive around all day. I downloaded a couple books, bu am currently listening to The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks - only about 90 minutes to go. That could get to and fro the outlets...hmmm.
I am going wine tasting on sunday and it can't get here fast enough. i already have my outfit picked out.
well that's about it for now.
back to work.
Patriot's HIM
I did half a report.
Ultimately I struggled the whole race with getting over the bad swim.
I did have a good run especially considering it was the longest run post-op.
Somehow...I PR'd.
Chesapeakman AV
I finished.
The Choptank is definitely shoppy. It as the first time I threw up WHILE swimming. I went to go take a breathe and - didn't even know it was coming.
Some poeple threw up multiple times.
I sang a song to myself about being a sock in a washing machine.
I did not get lost.
But was slower than anticipated.
It was longest swim ever, so high five to that.
the bike was windy - my number one nemesis.
But I pushed on through and finished it in 6:45.
Having nothing to go off of, I am ine with this.
Somehow I ended up 3rd in my AG. now there were only 7 people, but hey that means i was in the top 50% which is always my goal.
so high five to that.
Margo and rich got married.
i am back to running on the treadmill for long runs.
i got my dress for Shea and jason's wedding.
i had flu-like symptoms last week and am still weak, but much better and no more fever and can talk again. i rode with mi amigas last night and they kicked my butt. my HR was higher than it should be on the bike. but lower than the 230 it hit on thursday after 10 minutes. (Clearly i got off the bike and called it a day then.)
i started listening to a book on "tape" (iPod) and now I just want to drive around all day. I downloaded a couple books, bu am currently listening to The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks - only about 90 minutes to go. That could get to and fro the outlets...hmmm.
I am going wine tasting on sunday and it can't get here fast enough. i already have my outfit picked out.
well that's about it for now.
back to work.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Yes I know it has been 2 weeks sicne Patriot's HIM and I have yet to finish the race report - I promise I will get to that.
Tomorrow I am doign the longest race to date.
Chesapeakman Aquavelo.
This is a local (well 4 hours away) Iron-distance race, that is not produced by Ironman.
The timing of it is perfect to use the Aquavelo division as a training race for those fall IM's.
2.4 mile swim inthe Choptank river.
* i have been told it's called the Choptank for a reason. It's Choppy.
* I have been advised to wear a long-sleeved wetsuit to avoid the stinging nettles.
* this swim questions why I am doing this particular event.
112 mile ride through Maryland
* well I rode 97 mile about a month or so ago.
* I hope I like my new saddle now that it is postitioned correctly.
I have a fever blister.
I have a stye.
I am all packed and ready to go.
Tomorrow I am doign the longest race to date.
Chesapeakman Aquavelo.
This is a local (well 4 hours away) Iron-distance race, that is not produced by Ironman.
The timing of it is perfect to use the Aquavelo division as a training race for those fall IM's.
2.4 mile swim inthe Choptank river.
* i have been told it's called the Choptank for a reason. It's Choppy.
* I have been advised to wear a long-sleeved wetsuit to avoid the stinging nettles.
* this swim questions why I am doing this particular event.
112 mile ride through Maryland
* well I rode 97 mile about a month or so ago.
* I hope I like my new saddle now that it is postitioned correctly.
I have a fever blister.
I have a stye.
I am all packed and ready to go.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Patriot's Half Iron: A Comedy of Errors
Half Ironman #4 requires just as much attention as #1.
Night Before...
Leave work around 5:00.
Ride for 30 minutes.
Run for 20 minutes.
Bring bike to IronGreg's so he can clean and lube the chain.
IronGreg to kindly make Chicken and Rice pre-race dinner.
Go home and pack.
Bed at 9:00.
What really happened:
Left work around 6:30.
Rode on trainer for 25 minutes.
Call IronGreg to give him the "get dinner ready" call as he asked em to do.
Ran 2 miles - about 18 minutes.
Bring bike to IronGreg's about 8:15 - behind schedule.
Dinner has not been started.
9:00 - eat dinner.
9:30 - get home and pack. almost forgot what to a race belt!
10:30 - finally go to bed.
Race Morning...
The Plan
3:30 - wake up, eat oatmeal
4:00 - pack car
4:15 - leave
4:30 - meet Zona to combine cars and hit road to race. eat bar.
5:30 - arrive at race site. packet-pick up.
What Really Happened
3:45 - wake up, eat oatmeal.
4:15 - pack car
4:20 - leave
4:45 - get on road to race. eat bar.
5:45 arrive at race.
It was SOOO dark. Grass in parking was cold and wet in my flipper floppers.
I get my packet and my chip. I will put my stuff down then come back for body marking.
I find my rack and set everything up. Perfect. Then I realize the rack next to me is higher numbers than mine. Hmm I am on the rack for 145-150. Oh but I am 144. Darn it!
One row down - other end. Drat! the guy next to me offers to help me move my stuff, but I put on my big girl panties and deal with it. Set up at my new spot, fortunately still ont he end of the rack. I go to put my aerobottle on and hmm I am missing a rubber band. well I had it earlier. Must be at the other biek rack. but i can't see anything because it's so damn dark! I'll get to that later. I keep setting everything up. time to put my ship on my strap. Hmm where's the chip. I must have put it in my packet. SherpaLynn took that to the car already - ack! She brings back the bag. It's nto int here! Insert expletive. Sherpa Lynn plays the part of Favey and is able to get me a replacement ship - shew. disaster averted. now I can go to the bathroom. I am SO behind schedule now. Oh and I found the rubber band at the other rack. Everyone is heading down to the stat - sheisty I don't even have my wetsuit on! I get donw there and realize that I left my pre-swiim shot block at my bag - oh well, too late now. I am talking with my friends when IronLynn tells G and I that our wave is in the water - insert expletive. Run down and make it in with about 30 seconds befor ethe gun goes off - so much for warming up!
The Swim...
The Plan
Swim around before the race to warm up.
Work on pushing it harder than I usually do.
Sight. Trying nto to tred water to get my bearings, but keep it going smoothly.
What Really Happened
I got int he water in jsut enough time to start the race.
No warming up.
I kept up a good pace and was in a pack - never swam in quite a pack before, since I usually try to pull away to find my rhythm without getting knocked around. I kept telling myself that's not going to be possilbe at IMAZ so I need to practice now. And so I did.
Sighting was going well. I thought the buoys were a little far apart, but I was able to keep in line with them.
I passed two orange buoys and then came the yellow one - time to turn left.
I love making turns, it's like I hit a mini-milestone or something. I breathe a sigh of relief.
I saw a could more orange buoys and kept them on my left. The pack was thinning out some, but I was still in a good group. Someone was all up in my feet - I mean we all want to draft, but damn stop pulling my feet under. Kick. See ya later. Okay here's comes the next yellow buoy, another left turn.
And where do I go from here? Hmmm.
Everyone is everywhere.
Well the buoys are way to my left and people are way to my right AND to my left. Expletive. Expletive. Expletive.
Okay right before the race Coach G was telling a new open water swimmer how you shoudl nto follow people but stay on course yourself, so that's what I should do - glad I heard that reminder. I will swim over to the orange buoys.
I felt like Dory in Finding Nemo. Swimming Swimming Swimming.
then I realize the fate of my swim.
Thsoe buoys to my left - yeah those are the ones we used to get out for the first leg of the swim.
Insert major expletive.
Keep pushing hard. (err pulling hard)
Finally I see the yellow wiggly man on shore.
Then some kayaker tells me I should move for a boat. yeah F-you woman, I am swimming here.
I stand up and look at my watch.
I will not repeat what I said.
There was a guy from the race production company on shore - I let him know how I felt.
So guess how many buiys directed you back in?
I was running up towards transition and saw 2 of my girls, Lou and KO. It was all I could do to hold back the tears as I gave them the thumbs down with my best pouty face.
I am STILL spitting nails. I have worked so hard on my swimming for this?!
Official Swim Time: 55:09
A/G: 25/29 86%
* This is the LONGEST HIM swim I have done. I recently swam a lap of the IMUSA course in 38 mintues WITH my coach messing with me. Now I know this course has current. People I usually swim with hit 41-44 mintues. So I assume I was about 10 minutes off.
The Bike...
The Plan
The plan was simple. Push it harder than I am used to.
Night Before...
Leave work around 5:00.
Ride for 30 minutes.
Run for 20 minutes.
Bring bike to IronGreg's so he can clean and lube the chain.
IronGreg to kindly make Chicken and Rice pre-race dinner.
Go home and pack.
Bed at 9:00.
What really happened:
Left work around 6:30.
Rode on trainer for 25 minutes.
Call IronGreg to give him the "get dinner ready" call as he asked em to do.
Ran 2 miles - about 18 minutes.
Bring bike to IronGreg's about 8:15 - behind schedule.
Dinner has not been started.
9:00 - eat dinner.
9:30 - get home and pack. almost forgot what to a race belt!
10:30 - finally go to bed.
Race Morning...
The Plan
3:30 - wake up, eat oatmeal
4:00 - pack car
4:15 - leave
4:30 - meet Zona to combine cars and hit road to race. eat bar.
5:30 - arrive at race site. packet-pick up.
What Really Happened
3:45 - wake up, eat oatmeal.
4:15 - pack car
4:20 - leave
4:45 - get on road to race. eat bar.
5:45 arrive at race.
It was SOOO dark. Grass in parking was cold and wet in my flipper floppers.
I get my packet and my chip. I will put my stuff down then come back for body marking.
I find my rack and set everything up. Perfect. Then I realize the rack next to me is higher numbers than mine. Hmm I am on the rack for 145-150. Oh but I am 144. Darn it!
One row down - other end. Drat! the guy next to me offers to help me move my stuff, but I put on my big girl panties and deal with it. Set up at my new spot, fortunately still ont he end of the rack. I go to put my aerobottle on and hmm I am missing a rubber band. well I had it earlier. Must be at the other biek rack. but i can't see anything because it's so damn dark! I'll get to that later. I keep setting everything up. time to put my ship on my strap. Hmm where's the chip. I must have put it in my packet. SherpaLynn took that to the car already - ack! She brings back the bag. It's nto int here! Insert expletive. Sherpa Lynn plays the part of Favey and is able to get me a replacement ship - shew. disaster averted. now I can go to the bathroom. I am SO behind schedule now. Oh and I found the rubber band at the other rack. Everyone is heading down to the stat - sheisty I don't even have my wetsuit on! I get donw there and realize that I left my pre-swiim shot block at my bag - oh well, too late now. I am talking with my friends when IronLynn tells G and I that our wave is in the water - insert expletive. Run down and make it in with about 30 seconds befor ethe gun goes off - so much for warming up!
The Swim...
The Plan
Swim around before the race to warm up.
Work on pushing it harder than I usually do.
Sight. Trying nto to tred water to get my bearings, but keep it going smoothly.
What Really Happened
I got int he water in jsut enough time to start the race.
No warming up.
I kept up a good pace and was in a pack - never swam in quite a pack before, since I usually try to pull away to find my rhythm without getting knocked around. I kept telling myself that's not going to be possilbe at IMAZ so I need to practice now. And so I did.
Sighting was going well. I thought the buoys were a little far apart, but I was able to keep in line with them.
I passed two orange buoys and then came the yellow one - time to turn left.
I love making turns, it's like I hit a mini-milestone or something. I breathe a sigh of relief.
I saw a could more orange buoys and kept them on my left. The pack was thinning out some, but I was still in a good group. Someone was all up in my feet - I mean we all want to draft, but damn stop pulling my feet under. Kick. See ya later. Okay here's comes the next yellow buoy, another left turn.
And where do I go from here? Hmmm.
Everyone is everywhere.
Well the buoys are way to my left and people are way to my right AND to my left. Expletive. Expletive. Expletive.
Okay right before the race Coach G was telling a new open water swimmer how you shoudl nto follow people but stay on course yourself, so that's what I should do - glad I heard that reminder. I will swim over to the orange buoys.
I felt like Dory in Finding Nemo. Swimming Swimming Swimming.
then I realize the fate of my swim.
Thsoe buoys to my left - yeah those are the ones we used to get out for the first leg of the swim.
Insert major expletive.
Keep pushing hard. (err pulling hard)
Finally I see the yellow wiggly man on shore.
Then some kayaker tells me I should move for a boat. yeah F-you woman, I am swimming here.
I stand up and look at my watch.
I will not repeat what I said.
There was a guy from the race production company on shore - I let him know how I felt.
So guess how many buiys directed you back in?
I was running up towards transition and saw 2 of my girls, Lou and KO. It was all I could do to hold back the tears as I gave them the thumbs down with my best pouty face.
I am STILL spitting nails. I have worked so hard on my swimming for this?!
Official Swim Time: 55:09
A/G: 25/29 86%
* This is the LONGEST HIM swim I have done. I recently swam a lap of the IMUSA course in 38 mintues WITH my coach messing with me. Now I know this course has current. People I usually swim with hit 41-44 mintues. So I assume I was about 10 minutes off.
The Bike...
The Plan
The plan was simple. Push it harder than I am used to.
Friday, September 11, 2009
tomorrow I am doing Patriot's Half-Ironman.
I haven't done a full triathlon since Timberman 70.3....OVER A YEAR AGO!
this will be interesting.
I am looking forward to it.
i kept forgetting about it until a few days ago when it started looming.
So last night I decided I should unpack from vacation so I can pack for the race.
That's a good start.
I would also like to take a moment to reflect on this day.
We will never forget.
I haven't done a full triathlon since Timberman 70.3....OVER A YEAR AGO!
this will be interesting.
I am looking forward to it.
i kept forgetting about it until a few days ago when it started looming.
So last night I decided I should unpack from vacation so I can pack for the race.
That's a good start.
I would also like to take a moment to reflect on this day.
We will never forget.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Here and There
I haven't posted any animal sighting recently.
Because I haven't seen any.
I rode in Williamsburg. Nothing.
I rode in the East End. Nothing.
I rode in Florida. I saw some ocean birds. And a couple dead snakes.
Riding in Florida is hard.
It's flat. Like really flat. the only hills were going up and over the bridges to go from island-to-island. And you would have thought a hurricane was coming with all of that wind. Holy Wind, Batman. That was the longest three-hour ride of my life. IronGreg was a good boyfriend and waited for me to catch up every few miles. He even stopped for me to take a picture of a pretty and historic home.
And just to get himself extra brownie points (you would think he was in trouble!), he even did the 20 minute t-run with 3:00/2:00 intervals with me afterwards.
I did make my long run down there. It wasn't as long (or as fast) as I would have liked, but it is in the books. Mission Accomplished. Now off to the beach.
While I was in Amelia Island, I received a phoen call from United saying that my flight schedule to IMAZ was changed and I needed to call them back. What?! Yeah, I'm on vacation. I'll deal with this next week. So that is what I jsut did.
I called United.
they told me even though I booked through United (thanks to, they were IS Airways flights, so I needed to call them regarding the change.
So I call US Airways.
They tell me that since I booked through United I need to talk with United regarding the change.
Um. yeah. NO.
I tell them that they need to call United and we will jsut have a little conference call.
And so they did.
And after about 30+ moinutes of airline drama. The flight change - 3 minutes! Are you f*in kidding me?! you wasted my time for this?!
however, while I was on hold constantly I made my reservations with TriBike Transport. So Diamond is scheduled to make her way to IMAZ. I wish I could attach a camera on her to track her trek.
Friday is 9/11. A day we will never forget.
But nto only is it a day to remember those we lost, it is also a day to celebrate.
Celebrate what?
My friend Jason's birthday.
And also my dear gal-pal Lou's birthday.
so to celebrate Lou, tonight we are hitting up the National (cool concert venue) for an AC/DC tribute band. Rock and Roll.
Because I haven't seen any.
I rode in Williamsburg. Nothing.
I rode in the East End. Nothing.
I rode in Florida. I saw some ocean birds. And a couple dead snakes.
Riding in Florida is hard.
It's flat. Like really flat. the only hills were going up and over the bridges to go from island-to-island. And you would have thought a hurricane was coming with all of that wind. Holy Wind, Batman. That was the longest three-hour ride of my life. IronGreg was a good boyfriend and waited for me to catch up every few miles. He even stopped for me to take a picture of a pretty and historic home.
And just to get himself extra brownie points (you would think he was in trouble!), he even did the 20 minute t-run with 3:00/2:00 intervals with me afterwards.
I did make my long run down there. It wasn't as long (or as fast) as I would have liked, but it is in the books. Mission Accomplished. Now off to the beach.
While I was in Amelia Island, I received a phoen call from United saying that my flight schedule to IMAZ was changed and I needed to call them back. What?! Yeah, I'm on vacation. I'll deal with this next week. So that is what I jsut did.
I called United.
they told me even though I booked through United (thanks to, they were IS Airways flights, so I needed to call them regarding the change.
So I call US Airways.
They tell me that since I booked through United I need to talk with United regarding the change.
Um. yeah. NO.
I tell them that they need to call United and we will jsut have a little conference call.
And so they did.
And after about 30+ moinutes of airline drama. The flight change - 3 minutes! Are you f*in kidding me?! you wasted my time for this?!
however, while I was on hold constantly I made my reservations with TriBike Transport. So Diamond is scheduled to make her way to IMAZ. I wish I could attach a camera on her to track her trek.
Friday is 9/11. A day we will never forget.
But nto only is it a day to remember those we lost, it is also a day to celebrate.
Celebrate what?
My friend Jason's birthday.
And also my dear gal-pal Lou's birthday.
so to celebrate Lou, tonight we are hitting up the National (cool concert venue) for an AC/DC tribute band. Rock and Roll.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Last night I went to track! First time since the fasciotomy!
I was not surprised that I had lost speed.
I was surprised with how much I was able to maintain.
I was not surprised that I had lost speed.
I was surprised with how much I was able to maintain.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Why Did the Turtle Cross the Road?
This weekend's animal count:
Snake Alive...............1
Same snake dead.....1
Bald Eagles...............0
Thank you to "miso" for stopping halfway up the hill for a "Turtle Intervention". the turtle was safely placed on the side of the road.
Although we were hoping for a good Raptor sighting, there was none.
"Lou" was on duty to count birds and squirrels. I will update with her count when I receive the final tally.
why do we count animals you may be asking? Well, as we train for our Ironmans (Florida and Arizona) we get what we call "ride drunk" and "run drunk", so we come up with means of entertainment.
This weekend was a 5.5 hour / 97 mile ride. A new distance for me. I did 3 loops (2 with friends, and 1 on my own), and after each loop I write down my splits and reset my computer. So you can imagine my excitement and disappointment when I got home and realized I rode 97 miles. my longest distance ever - whoo-hoo, but man I would have gone 3 more miles to hit my first triple digit ride.
We introduced some friends to the "Amiga Alphabet Game". the overall winner was Miso with "Ann Arbor" for cities that start witht he letter A. We did have some good items for the category "Things you pack for vacation" with the letter D, but, well, some things are better not on the blog.
Tonight I go back to track for the first time post-op. I have done some minor speed work, but now an hour's worth with Coach K telling me to correct my form. Yesteday we told her we were all going to show up in out bikinis to track since it is so hot outside, but well, that would not be good for any party involved, so normal running attire it is.
Snake Alive...............1
Same snake dead.....1
Bald Eagles...............0
Thank you to "miso" for stopping halfway up the hill for a "Turtle Intervention". the turtle was safely placed on the side of the road.
Although we were hoping for a good Raptor sighting, there was none.
"Lou" was on duty to count birds and squirrels. I will update with her count when I receive the final tally.
why do we count animals you may be asking? Well, as we train for our Ironmans (Florida and Arizona) we get what we call "ride drunk" and "run drunk", so we come up with means of entertainment.
This weekend was a 5.5 hour / 97 mile ride. A new distance for me. I did 3 loops (2 with friends, and 1 on my own), and after each loop I write down my splits and reset my computer. So you can imagine my excitement and disappointment when I got home and realized I rode 97 miles. my longest distance ever - whoo-hoo, but man I would have gone 3 more miles to hit my first triple digit ride.
We introduced some friends to the "Amiga Alphabet Game". the overall winner was Miso with "Ann Arbor" for cities that start witht he letter A. We did have some good items for the category "Things you pack for vacation" with the letter D, but, well, some things are better not on the blog.
Tonight I go back to track for the first time post-op. I have done some minor speed work, but now an hour's worth with Coach K telling me to correct my form. Yesteday we told her we were all going to show up in out bikinis to track since it is so hot outside, but well, that would not be good for any party involved, so normal running attire it is.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Why Did the Turkey Cross the Road?
Saturday's ride was filled with animals.
Not just the handfuls of cows (moooo) and hoseys (naaaaay), that live on the farms we ride past (although they smell really foul at times, we are pretty lucky to ride past them).
This weekend we also encountered:
Deer...............8 (2 of which were bucks)
Groundhogs...2 (which were close to taking us out)
And the winner of all wild animal sightings...
Wild Turkey...1
No, I am not referring to a post-ride detour at the ABC store for a quick fifth.
But a gobbling Turkey.
He strutted his stuff across the street right in front of us.
(and yes it was a "he" b/c of the way he was strutting his stuff...much like a peacock does)
Had he been any slower, well then I would be celebrating Thanksgiving a little early this year.
Gobble! Gobble!
Not just the handfuls of cows (moooo) and hoseys (naaaaay), that live on the farms we ride past (although they smell really foul at times, we are pretty lucky to ride past them).
This weekend we also encountered:
Deer...............8 (2 of which were bucks)
Groundhogs...2 (which were close to taking us out)
And the winner of all wild animal sightings...
Wild Turkey...1
No, I am not referring to a post-ride detour at the ABC store for a quick fifth.
But a gobbling Turkey.
He strutted his stuff across the street right in front of us.
(and yes it was a "he" b/c of the way he was strutting his stuff...much like a peacock does)
Had he been any slower, well then I would be celebrating Thanksgiving a little early this year.
Gobble! Gobble!
Friday, August 7, 2009
TWICE this week I have run for 10 minutes straight!
Tuesday after my ride, I did a transition run for 11:29 minutes! (1.3 miles)
And last night after swimming I did 10 minute intervals on the treadmill.
Very exciting!
Tuesday after my ride, I did a transition run for 11:29 minutes! (1.3 miles)
And last night after swimming I did 10 minute intervals on the treadmill.
Very exciting!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Running Away
Sunday I was supposed to do my long "run".
I have recently gone up to 20 minutes of intervals: 3:00 running with 2:00 walking (keeps it at an even 5 minutes which is easier to keep track of while in action).
So my plan was to do 20 minutes on the treadmill of my sweet interval action. Then hit the trusty elliptical for 50 minutes.
I was sore from a great bike ride on saturday, so I decided an easy swim would be good to stretch out prior to running.
Man I can be so smart sometimes!
I hopped on the treadmill. got into my 3:00/2:00 rhythm while watching Ace Ventura.
Next thing I know 60 minutes have gone by...and I felt great! I didn't want to stop, but I knew I had to. (um clearly I have lost my mind)
Monday comes and I venture on over to see Dr. Z for my next post-op appointment.
He has a new PA, Logan. nice kid. First time I felt old in this situation. Liek is this kid old enough to have gradtuated? Maybe I should call him Doogie. (ah. I love NPH)
Anywho. Prior to Dr. Z coming in the room I hear him telling Doogie about my surgical history and how I am an "accomplished and amazing triathlete". I wanted to laugh out loud. I have this guy FOOLED!
Well Dr. Z said the discoloration behind my knee is fine (if you say so. you're the expert here). Overall he ws FILLEd with good news...
1. I can run for TEN mintures straight and begin to build up from there!
2. I can do intervals for as long as I want.
3. no more post-op visits! (which means no more co-pays whoohoo!)
He said for me to call him if I need anything. I said, "Dr. Z, no offense, but I hope I don't ever have to call you again." Good thing he thinks I'm funny (glad someone does haha).
He told me to send him all my race clippings to post on the board.
Right. I'll do that from all my podium finishes.....
I have to say that I have really enjoyed the relationship I have developed with Dr. Z - I trust his medical opinion and I know he only wants me to get better, the right way. His team are all such great docs. I might have to visit him from time-to time. maybe not.
I have recently gone up to 20 minutes of intervals: 3:00 running with 2:00 walking (keeps it at an even 5 minutes which is easier to keep track of while in action).
So my plan was to do 20 minutes on the treadmill of my sweet interval action. Then hit the trusty elliptical for 50 minutes.
I was sore from a great bike ride on saturday, so I decided an easy swim would be good to stretch out prior to running.
Man I can be so smart sometimes!
I hopped on the treadmill. got into my 3:00/2:00 rhythm while watching Ace Ventura.
Next thing I know 60 minutes have gone by...and I felt great! I didn't want to stop, but I knew I had to. (um clearly I have lost my mind)
Monday comes and I venture on over to see Dr. Z for my next post-op appointment.
He has a new PA, Logan. nice kid. First time I felt old in this situation. Liek is this kid old enough to have gradtuated? Maybe I should call him Doogie. (ah. I love NPH)
Anywho. Prior to Dr. Z coming in the room I hear him telling Doogie about my surgical history and how I am an "accomplished and amazing triathlete". I wanted to laugh out loud. I have this guy FOOLED!
Well Dr. Z said the discoloration behind my knee is fine (if you say so. you're the expert here). Overall he ws FILLEd with good news...
1. I can run for TEN mintures straight and begin to build up from there!
2. I can do intervals for as long as I want.
3. no more post-op visits! (which means no more co-pays whoohoo!)
He said for me to call him if I need anything. I said, "Dr. Z, no offense, but I hope I don't ever have to call you again." Good thing he thinks I'm funny (glad someone does haha).
He told me to send him all my race clippings to post on the board.
Right. I'll do that from all my podium finishes.....
I have to say that I have really enjoyed the relationship I have developed with Dr. Z - I trust his medical opinion and I know he only wants me to get better, the right way. His team are all such great docs. I might have to visit him from time-to time. maybe not.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Cool Picture
Thanks to my swim buddy, Dealio, for this great shot of IronGreg coming in to T2 at IMUSA
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Ironman USA
What a weekend! Everyone did so well. I am in awe and inspired (and a little scared).
The morning started out nice.
Everyone was ready for the day to begin.
And they're off.
And the rain begins.
We were broken up into 3 groups of sherpas. Although some of us missed some poeple, we saw others and together we were able to see everyone get out of the water.
Everyone except Tyler.
After a phone call to Richmond to check the website, he had a split so we knew he ws safe and on his way to the bike.
by now the rain has let up, but the sun has not come out fully...yet.
As sherpas we thought the weather seemed pretty good for a bike ride. Me, Emmie, and Jenn staked out our cheering location at the beginning of the 2nd loop as they climbed a hill - this way they had to slow down and we could take pictures! although we saw pretty much everyone, not everyoen realized it was us cheering them on - too funny. they are too fast =)
As it was time to run, the sun decided to come on and shine hard. It was a hot marathon. And afer the rain just sticky. Not ideal conditions, but everyone made it look so easy. How did they do that?!
IronGreg had an amazing race finishing in 10:23:31
101st overall and 21st in his AG.
I'm so proud of him. He has worked so hard and it showed.
We stayed the entire race and I msut say the last hour was my favorite (next to watching my friends finish). the crowd was amazing. Watching the Ford Everyday Hero who had completed the course a few years ago in 11 hours who was then hit by a bus as a NYC fireman came across the line with about 50 spectators running him in at 16:57. Followed by another finisher finishing in 16:59:59. The support and cheering cannot be put into words. And that is why I love this sport.
Some moments to highlight:
- the male winner had the lea by 30 minutes at the beginning of the run, and still finsihed with 20 minutes ahead of #2. hello speedy.
- the female 2nd place winner started the run in 4th. she looked liek she was running a 5k or out for a daily jog. she had the biggest smile on her face and was flying having so much fun. i'll have what she's having!
- TG40 finsihed her 2nd Ironman. After someone hitting her 100 meters into the swim and breaking her toe.
- TG Lynnie finished her 3rd Ironman. After getting her goggles broken half way into the first loop and then having a crash on the bike (not her fault either!). She rode the 2nd loop of 56 miles with only 1 aerobar.
- TG KB finished her 500th Ironman (4th in 2 years) - after breaking a spoke on the bike. she was able to sister it to another spoke and continue forward.
- TG Cyndi and TG Shelley get the award for an Ironman hero. There was aguy in front of themon the bike that fell so hard his helmet shattered. They both stopped and waited 20 mintues until the EMS showed up - hope he doing alright, he wasn't doing so hot.
- Bethany, Bart, and Ed - you are Ironmen!
- Shout out to all my other friends who succeeded the Ironman - Tyler, Cook, Adam, Amy, Shawn, Kate, Coach Blakey Blake, Coach "Maro Diablo", Amy, Michael, Rick, and Rick. High Five to all of you.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tomorrow I am heading out to cheer on IronGreg and lots of my friends who are all participating in Ironman USA in Lake Placid, NY.
This weekend will make so many memories and I look forward to sharing them with everyone.
I have my handy-dandy (and maybe a bit OCD) excel charts showing everyone's *estimated* split times in one and another one with the times I will be standing at specific posts and who I am looking out for.
I have my sister's nice camera (thank you sister) so I can be sure to capture those action shots!
I have packed half my wardrobe and then some, so hopefully I will be prepared for the freakish weather of Lake Placid. And I can fend off any alligators, too.
And yes, the wetsuit is already in Lake Placid with IronGreg so I can take a few dips around the course and follow the cable like one of the pros. Too bad the bike isn't coming. Darn. (Sarcasm? From me?)
I will have my phone on me, so I will try to touch base with some of you throughout the day. And if you are away from the computer and need some IM updates, feel free to give me a call. (if you don't have my number I guess you are SOL huh).
Remember to go to to track our FAVulous athletes.
Kick butt, my friends.
The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground. ~Author Unknown
Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. ~Newt Gingrich
The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running. ~Author unknown, in reference to Ecclesiastes 9:11
One may go a long way after one is tired. ~French Proverb
This weekend will make so many memories and I look forward to sharing them with everyone.
I have my handy-dandy (and maybe a bit OCD) excel charts showing everyone's *estimated* split times in one and another one with the times I will be standing at specific posts and who I am looking out for.
I have my sister's nice camera (thank you sister) so I can be sure to capture those action shots!
I have packed half my wardrobe and then some, so hopefully I will be prepared for the freakish weather of Lake Placid. And I can fend off any alligators, too.
And yes, the wetsuit is already in Lake Placid with IronGreg so I can take a few dips around the course and follow the cable like one of the pros. Too bad the bike isn't coming. Darn. (Sarcasm? From me?)
I will have my phone on me, so I will try to touch base with some of you throughout the day. And if you are away from the computer and need some IM updates, feel free to give me a call. (if you don't have my number I guess you are SOL huh).
Remember to go to to track our FAVulous athletes.
Kick butt, my friends.
The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground. ~Author Unknown
Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. ~Newt Gingrich
The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running. ~Author unknown, in reference to Ecclesiastes 9:11
One may go a long way after one is tired. ~French Proverb
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Viognier and Peaches
all I can say is...Chik-Fil-A Appreciation Month.
I give my deepest symathies to all those who live without the goodness of "the chik." I may not eat fast food often, and I also am actually nto a fan of chicken.
But the something about the mouth watering goodness when you take a bit of the orginal (or grilled) sandwich and the buttery bun with pickles and it all jsut melts in your mouth.
(great - I just made myself hungry!)
PK, Lynnie, and I had a wonderful date with with chicken sanwiches, waffle fries, diet lemonades, and milkshakes.
Immediately followed by food coma.
TG40 is fast. and don't let her tell you otherwise.
TG40, ESJ, and I headed out for a 3 hour tour (a 3 hour tour).
we made it back to home base in 2.5 hours, 45 miles later. And well, I had a massage appt, so we called it a day. Well ESJ went back out to finish what we started.
Headed out for a nice 10 minute run/walk with TG40.
I really need new sneakers.
So then I got my massage. The first really bad massage. I had a feelign when she introduced herself with a limp noodle handshake. Immediately I thought to myself "these hands are supposed to give me a deep tissure massage?"
I walked out of there with kots still up in my back.
So I visited Tom over at 3sports running. he's pretty much awesome. hooked me up with new kicks. similar to what I have, since I have noproblems with them, but much lighter weight. try them out tomorrow!
then i got a mani/pedi.
sigh - what a day. massage. shoe shopping. mani/pedi.
all that's left to do it nap.
and follow that up with an ironman party. high five!
damn 4am comes early. why did I sign up to volunteer the early shift? oh right - good race karma. it was 50 degrees outside. in july! greg and I shivered as we pointed people where to park.
private barrel tasting and polo match at King Family Vineyard? Oh alright if I must.
Detour by the peach orchard afterwards for peach milkshakes. mmm tasty.
Followed by dinner with my "other mom", Mother Rucker? well if you insist.
for serious? it's 5am already?
I sit on the side of the pool - not even putting my feet int he cold water.
Staring blankly into the water.
Thank you IMUSA people for this wonderful taper day.
After some good drills, and timed sprints - but only one 50 this week!
what's up next? RELAYS
guess who's lane won all the relays? that's right - mine. why? b/c we are pretty much awesome. High Five to BL and Blakey Blake, my FAVulous relay members. (we had AS for one of the relays). I ended up swimming the anchor leg every time. Talk about pressure! And these required flip turning at the shallow end! and then for the raly finale...I was the chosen membe to do the 50 fly leg. i wasn't sure if my right arm was even making it out of the water by the end.
but we won, so who cares! haha.
all in a weekend's work.
Good Luck to my IronGreg and all my friends taking on IMUSA this weekend. I CANnOt wait to watch you all succeed. HIGH FIVE!
all I can say is...Chik-Fil-A Appreciation Month.
I give my deepest symathies to all those who live without the goodness of "the chik." I may not eat fast food often, and I also am actually nto a fan of chicken.
But the something about the mouth watering goodness when you take a bit of the orginal (or grilled) sandwich and the buttery bun with pickles and it all jsut melts in your mouth.
(great - I just made myself hungry!)
PK, Lynnie, and I had a wonderful date with with chicken sanwiches, waffle fries, diet lemonades, and milkshakes.
Immediately followed by food coma.
TG40 is fast. and don't let her tell you otherwise.
TG40, ESJ, and I headed out for a 3 hour tour (a 3 hour tour).
we made it back to home base in 2.5 hours, 45 miles later. And well, I had a massage appt, so we called it a day. Well ESJ went back out to finish what we started.
Headed out for a nice 10 minute run/walk with TG40.
I really need new sneakers.
So then I got my massage. The first really bad massage. I had a feelign when she introduced herself with a limp noodle handshake. Immediately I thought to myself "these hands are supposed to give me a deep tissure massage?"
I walked out of there with kots still up in my back.
So I visited Tom over at 3sports running. he's pretty much awesome. hooked me up with new kicks. similar to what I have, since I have noproblems with them, but much lighter weight. try them out tomorrow!
then i got a mani/pedi.
sigh - what a day. massage. shoe shopping. mani/pedi.
all that's left to do it nap.
and follow that up with an ironman party. high five!
damn 4am comes early. why did I sign up to volunteer the early shift? oh right - good race karma. it was 50 degrees outside. in july! greg and I shivered as we pointed people where to park.
private barrel tasting and polo match at King Family Vineyard? Oh alright if I must.
Detour by the peach orchard afterwards for peach milkshakes. mmm tasty.
Followed by dinner with my "other mom", Mother Rucker? well if you insist.
for serious? it's 5am already?
I sit on the side of the pool - not even putting my feet int he cold water.
Staring blankly into the water.
Thank you IMUSA people for this wonderful taper day.
After some good drills, and timed sprints - but only one 50 this week!
what's up next? RELAYS
guess who's lane won all the relays? that's right - mine. why? b/c we are pretty much awesome. High Five to BL and Blakey Blake, my FAVulous relay members. (we had AS for one of the relays). I ended up swimming the anchor leg every time. Talk about pressure! And these required flip turning at the shallow end! and then for the raly finale...I was the chosen membe to do the 50 fly leg. i wasn't sure if my right arm was even making it out of the water by the end.
but we won, so who cares! haha.
all in a weekend's work.
Good Luck to my IronGreg and all my friends taking on IMUSA this weekend. I CANnOt wait to watch you all succeed. HIGH FIVE!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Catching Up.
I have had many intentions of blogging over the past week or so, but time just hasn't been on my side. well in the blogging sense at least.
1. Yellow Jersey Metric+
I rode the Yellow Jersey Metric+ on July 5th for the Livestrong Foundation. hmm I don't have a yellow jersey - well I do now. I got a fabulous one from and I love it. It's now my #1 weekend long ride jersey. Not only it is bright yellow - visible to drivers, but it also has cute little bike cogs all over it.
The ride was...well it was wet! As soon as we pull out of the parking lot, it started sprinkling. thenit start flat out raining! Me, KO, and B-Hott hooked up with a group of riders and we took turns drafting and pulling and jsut got to know more great people!
George. George saw I was on a TT bike so he started inquiring about my race season. I of course returned the line of questioning. And well, George is now my hero. George is a cancer survivor. He ha survived some major cancer which he lsot some organs - that's right - ORGANS. (I was like man my surgery is awful wimpy compared to that!). and he's out here. riding the longest distance in a few years. He still has to go to the cancer hospital every months for some testing - the same cancer hospital my dad was in at one point during his illness. He is my inspritation for my IMAZ training. Every time I don't know how I can go forward, I am going to think of George. George - it was FAVulous meeting you.
So there we were riding along and somehow our great little group got split up right at the end. So the girls and one guy rode it on in. We hit a few red lights, which allowed me to squeeze the 5lbs of water out of the chamois - talk abotu a diaper! I figured I had no excuse for not running afterwards - I was clearly already wet. then the last 3 miles were brutal. It ended up being just me a B-Hott and we were shiiiivvvveeeerrrrrring. It was plain miserable. I hopped in my car turned the heat on high, the seat warmers and the steering wheel warmers on high. Then took about a 30 minute shower and drank hot chocolate. ahh. thawed out.

2. Addiction
I have 2 new addictions: Bakery on Main Extreme Fruit and Nut Granola and Real Simple Magazine.

I have read the magazine before, but until the last ssue I have decided it's plain crack. Such good crack that I helped the recession out by getting a subscription. I think I might get the shakes waiting for my first issue to show up in the mail! Good thing their website has just as good crack on it!

3. Sunflowers
This weekend I rode with a couple girls. A nice casual social ride. I took "Lynn with an E" for her first 35 mile ride a few months back, so I was happy to take her on her first 50 mile ride. As we toodled down the country roades, kicking it up at times, and stayign together in traffic at others. One thing we noticed are the sunflower fields. We passed a handful of them and they jsut make you smile. We are so furtunate to have such great roads for riding so close to home. (although I could do with out the one farm who's cows clearly ate some bad mexican the night before)
Oh - and I saw George and my new bike buds out in the country riding along.

and that's brings us back to today. as I eat my stonyfield farm organic french vanilla yogurt with bakery on main extreme fuit and nut granola. yummy in my tummy.
Thursday, July 2, 2009

This morning I went to "Bring a Friend Day" with my friend's fiancee to Seal Team Physical Training. She has been doing it for about 2 months now and is looking totally fit.
I get there and we start with a warm-up run. Hmm I can't run quite yet, oh well.
Push-ups. Push-ups. did I mention we did some push-ups.
Okay the instructor wants to talk now. We'll jog in place with our arms up.
Bear Crawl.
Crab Walk.
Let's go for another run.
I try to mention that I am not supposed to be running this much, but I'm not going to hang behind.
Time for 2:00 of sit-ups. Oh - I don't mind sit-ups. First my "buddy" (an instructor I am paired with) goes. Good gracious she did 112. And it wasn't even the most she's ever done. I get in a whopping 52. then they ask those with PR's to stand up and Tyler stood up - she got in her first 100 - you go on with your bad self.
Okay let's go run some more. Ohand this time we can carry people twice our size.
and was fun?
Unfortunately, I can't do this AND train for IMAZ, so hoepfully in the wainter when it's nice and cold and dark outside in the mornings, I will be able to join. But I think I will be taking December OFF. that's right. I am goign to spend the month of December being FAT and LAZY. It's going to be nice.
So I did my first STPT and so far so good. Only pains are the palms of my hands. They were rubbed completely raw. Owie.
Monday, June 29, 2009
I Love the Tavern
Yesterday was my first race since Timberman (yes almost a year ago). Between takign the winter almost 100% off and then the surgery, I haven't done much (besides swiming) since August, either.
The day started as they always do - with that annoying buzz from the alarm clock. I finally get out of bed and am just freezing because I am so tired (and Greg's hosue is cold). I sleep walk around getting dressed and filling water bottles.
On the way there I realize I forgot a transition towel. Oops. Good thing I was wearing a long sleeved t-shirt turned into towel. I stood around transition just looking around at everyone scurrying to set up their spots.
This race was especailly cool because not only was I getting back in the game, but my brother was there and my cousin and I were on a relay team together - Lady and the Mustache. I was doing the swim and bike and he was running.
As we stood on the dock watching the first waves go off we see them swimming jsut to stay in place! I was int eh last wave. it looked as if everyone ws in an endless pool. Some people swimming forward and going backwards. Oh this is not going to be good. By the time e get to go in, we've learned that the key is to sit on the dock and swim into the river after the horn sounds instead of wasting energy waiting for the gun to go off. So that is what I did. There were people everyone. more than I ever remember. All colors of caps, too. I had to stop twice in the beginnign to catch my breath. What is wrong with me?! I have done this numerous times. I just couldn't shake the feeling of a weight on my chest. I wanted to unzip my throat so I could breathe. I thought about one of my good friends who recently had this happen to her. I just put my face in the water and took a breathe a sighted every other stroke to get into a rhythm. It worked. I was back on track. Of course I am being kicked let and right and I am sure I kicked a couple times myself - it happens on accident. But one guy accidentally (there is no way he could have planned this any better) just kicked my goggled right off my face. That sucked. So I had to stop and put them back on and I could feel myself drifting backwards. Ugh. Secretly my goal here was jsut to beat my brother's swim time. He is faster than me by far on the bike and run, but we've been pretty close on the swim, but he has always been faster. Finally made it to the turn around and was out. The stairs were so high though it was hard to get out.
Look at my watch and it's around 15:30 +/-. way to go, fave.
Official time - 16:27 (would have been 4th in my A/G if I weren't a relay)
Back into transition and I had to sit down I was a little dizzy.
I was off on the bike and ready to go. I knew it was harder going out than coming back in so I was going to relax more on the first half and then bring in on in since I didn't have to run afterwards. I realize about a mile that I was int eh small ring in the front - d'oh! no wonder I wasn't going anywhere. I get into a rhythm and am on my way. My goal was to average 18. I'm not the strongest cyclist and have only been riding again 5 times since surgery. but I really wanted that 18 average. Here comes the big hill. I don't want to muscle up it so I decide to switch into my small chain ring. and there it goes...dropped my chain. DAMMIT! At the bottom of "the hill". I watch people pass me as I am trying to quickly put it back. Then I get to go up the hill from a dead stop. awesome. but I made it up and made up some ground. and I am happy to say I think I was one of the few people out there not drafting. my goodness people! Hammer it in for the next few miles and back into transition I am. I look at my computer... 18.6 avg! heck yeah!
Official time - 1:02:52 17.9 pace.
Damn. that sucks. so close. Stupid chain.
(would have been 7th in my AG)
I had good friends come and watch which made me smile! love them.
Then I saw my cousin coming so I ran down the chute with him (in my flip flops) for a team finish. Can't wait for that photo!
Afterwards I met up with a couple girls to head off for another 2 hours on the bike.
All in a day's work.
oh - and I beat my brother by 4 minutes in the swim. oh yeah.
The day started as they always do - with that annoying buzz from the alarm clock. I finally get out of bed and am just freezing because I am so tired (and Greg's hosue is cold). I sleep walk around getting dressed and filling water bottles.
On the way there I realize I forgot a transition towel. Oops. Good thing I was wearing a long sleeved t-shirt turned into towel. I stood around transition just looking around at everyone scurrying to set up their spots.
This race was especailly cool because not only was I getting back in the game, but my brother was there and my cousin and I were on a relay team together - Lady and the Mustache. I was doing the swim and bike and he was running.
As we stood on the dock watching the first waves go off we see them swimming jsut to stay in place! I was int eh last wave. it looked as if everyone ws in an endless pool. Some people swimming forward and going backwards. Oh this is not going to be good. By the time e get to go in, we've learned that the key is to sit on the dock and swim into the river after the horn sounds instead of wasting energy waiting for the gun to go off. So that is what I did. There were people everyone. more than I ever remember. All colors of caps, too. I had to stop twice in the beginnign to catch my breath. What is wrong with me?! I have done this numerous times. I just couldn't shake the feeling of a weight on my chest. I wanted to unzip my throat so I could breathe. I thought about one of my good friends who recently had this happen to her. I just put my face in the water and took a breathe a sighted every other stroke to get into a rhythm. It worked. I was back on track. Of course I am being kicked let and right and I am sure I kicked a couple times myself - it happens on accident. But one guy accidentally (there is no way he could have planned this any better) just kicked my goggled right off my face. That sucked. So I had to stop and put them back on and I could feel myself drifting backwards. Ugh. Secretly my goal here was jsut to beat my brother's swim time. He is faster than me by far on the bike and run, but we've been pretty close on the swim, but he has always been faster. Finally made it to the turn around and was out. The stairs were so high though it was hard to get out.
Look at my watch and it's around 15:30 +/-. way to go, fave.
Official time - 16:27 (would have been 4th in my A/G if I weren't a relay)
Back into transition and I had to sit down I was a little dizzy.
I was off on the bike and ready to go. I knew it was harder going out than coming back in so I was going to relax more on the first half and then bring in on in since I didn't have to run afterwards. I realize about a mile that I was int eh small ring in the front - d'oh! no wonder I wasn't going anywhere. I get into a rhythm and am on my way. My goal was to average 18. I'm not the strongest cyclist and have only been riding again 5 times since surgery. but I really wanted that 18 average. Here comes the big hill. I don't want to muscle up it so I decide to switch into my small chain ring. and there it goes...dropped my chain. DAMMIT! At the bottom of "the hill". I watch people pass me as I am trying to quickly put it back. Then I get to go up the hill from a dead stop. awesome. but I made it up and made up some ground. and I am happy to say I think I was one of the few people out there not drafting. my goodness people! Hammer it in for the next few miles and back into transition I am. I look at my computer... 18.6 avg! heck yeah!
Official time - 1:02:52 17.9 pace.
Damn. that sucks. so close. Stupid chain.
(would have been 7th in my AG)
I had good friends come and watch which made me smile! love them.
Then I saw my cousin coming so I ran down the chute with him (in my flip flops) for a team finish. Can't wait for that photo!
Afterwards I met up with a couple girls to head off for another 2 hours on the bike.
All in a day's work.
oh - and I beat my brother by 4 minutes in the swim. oh yeah.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Swimming Swimming Swimming
This morning I had images of Dory from Finding Nemo in my head.
Swimming. Swimming. Swimming.
I need to learn the art of DEscending.
We had to do 3x100 descending. TWICE.
The first time I got 1 second faster each interval.
The 2nd time we had to start with our 2nd interval time and descend from there.
Well I hit the first one on the head. the 2nd 100 was the same time. And then I was 3 seconds slower.
Hmmm. Did you ask us to DE-scend or A-scend?
At least my 4x50 kicking was descending?
I had my 8 week post op appt this morning. Good thing he only asked me to do small jumps b/c my legs are tired.
I get to stop going to PT. As much as I love AnnieHoo, she ain't cheap. And that's a lot of time off work.
I go back in 6 weeks (14 weeks post-op) and get the "okay" to go on the normal training plan with no more interval running. But maybe I like interval running.
Last night I rode 25 miles with the girls. Miso not going to pull Miso anymore! We did the Miller's Lane hill. Took a lot more energy than it did 10 1/2 months ago. I realized how long it has been since I have really trained on the bike. maybe I should not have slacked for so long before the surgery? but it was a nice break. then I dropped my chain on the way back up to Manakin. And accomplished getting grease EVERYWHERE. my cute shorts (which have pretty flowers on the side). the pink flowers were now block. my pink bar But this did give me a chance to wiat up for some of the other girls and we had a nice leisurely ride back into west creek. And thankfully the dishwashing soap trick worked! my shorts and bike are grease free!
well I guessI better get back to work.
Swimming. Swimming. Swimming.
I need to learn the art of DEscending.
We had to do 3x100 descending. TWICE.
The first time I got 1 second faster each interval.
The 2nd time we had to start with our 2nd interval time and descend from there.
Well I hit the first one on the head. the 2nd 100 was the same time. And then I was 3 seconds slower.
Hmmm. Did you ask us to DE-scend or A-scend?
At least my 4x50 kicking was descending?
I had my 8 week post op appt this morning. Good thing he only asked me to do small jumps b/c my legs are tired.
I get to stop going to PT. As much as I love AnnieHoo, she ain't cheap. And that's a lot of time off work.
I go back in 6 weeks (14 weeks post-op) and get the "okay" to go on the normal training plan with no more interval running. But maybe I like interval running.
Last night I rode 25 miles with the girls. Miso not going to pull Miso anymore! We did the Miller's Lane hill. Took a lot more energy than it did 10 1/2 months ago. I realized how long it has been since I have really trained on the bike. maybe I should not have slacked for so long before the surgery? but it was a nice break. then I dropped my chain on the way back up to Manakin. And accomplished getting grease EVERYWHERE. my cute shorts (which have pretty flowers on the side). the pink flowers were now block. my pink bar But this did give me a chance to wiat up for some of the other girls and we had a nice leisurely ride back into west creek. And thankfully the dishwashing soap trick worked! my shorts and bike are grease free!
well I guessI better get back to work.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Interesting Concept and Other Blabberings by Fave
If you take turns drafting and pulling.
And you don't look around at the pretty flowers.
You actually end up with a good bike pace average.
What a concept.
However, riding two days in a hard.
I really have to get used to training again. I have taken about 10 1/2 months off. I mean I did stuff, but nothing "real training". And then spent the last 2 months doing jack.
Damn my body forgot how to do this stuff.
So, the I Love the Tavern Triathlon is this weekend. This was not on my original plan for the year, but since I had to drop out of Rockett's since I was on cruthces and stitched up, this one got added - the aquavelo only of course. just to "clear the cobwebs".
Well. Then my cousin and his famiyl were going ot be in town from NH touring some of the south's finiest civil war sites (his kids know mroe aboutthe civil war than those who have sutided it for 50 years). so since cousin Rick is going to be in town, my mom and brother are coming in town as well. and since I am doing a tri that weekend and my brother will be here, he may as well sign up for the race as well. and well since my brother and I are doing the race and cousin Rick is a runner...well then he may as well do the run for me. So I moved my registration from Aquavelo to 2-person relay. And "Lady and the Mustache" was born. my cousin rocks a great 'stache - and i don't think i would recognize him without it.
I am scheduled to do a big ride the day befor ethe race, so we shall see how this race turns out. It's all just a training day, right? just with results posted for all to see.
And you don't look around at the pretty flowers.
You actually end up with a good bike pace average.
What a concept.
However, riding two days in a hard.
I really have to get used to training again. I have taken about 10 1/2 months off. I mean I did stuff, but nothing "real training". And then spent the last 2 months doing jack.
Damn my body forgot how to do this stuff.
So, the I Love the Tavern Triathlon is this weekend. This was not on my original plan for the year, but since I had to drop out of Rockett's since I was on cruthces and stitched up, this one got added - the aquavelo only of course. just to "clear the cobwebs".
Well. Then my cousin and his famiyl were going ot be in town from NH touring some of the south's finiest civil war sites (his kids know mroe aboutthe civil war than those who have sutided it for 50 years). so since cousin Rick is going to be in town, my mom and brother are coming in town as well. and since I am doing a tri that weekend and my brother will be here, he may as well sign up for the race as well. and well since my brother and I are doing the race and cousin Rick is a runner...well then he may as well do the run for me. So I moved my registration from Aquavelo to 2-person relay. And "Lady and the Mustache" was born. my cousin rocks a great 'stache - and i don't think i would recognize him without it.
I am scheduled to do a big ride the day befor ethe race, so we shall see how this race turns out. It's all just a training day, right? just with results posted for all to see.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Vineman 70.3
IronGreg and I have decided that 2010 is the year of local short distance events.
But Vineman 70.3 is so very tempting.
But Vineman 70.3 is so very tempting.
First Bike Ride in the Books
This weekend I was able to get back in the saddle and on the road for the first time post-op.
It was a little slower than I would have liked (by .5mph) but I am blaming the 3 red lights.
I heard a sweet story this morning. Some TG's ran across a baby bird on their bike ride who had fallen out of it's nest. One of them kindly took the baby bird home and researched on what to feed the sweet baby and was able to find a rehab for baby birds who will work with the baby bird for the next 6 weeks or so until it is back to full health.
That just makes my heart smile.
Also this weekend was TD's 1st birthday party extravaganza! that was good times. That boy has lots of girlfriends! He also played basketball for the first time! What an exciting day.
Today. I am tired.
This weekend I was able to get back in the saddle and on the road for the first time post-op.
It was a little slower than I would have liked (by .5mph) but I am blaming the 3 red lights.
I heard a sweet story this morning. Some TG's ran across a baby bird on their bike ride who had fallen out of it's nest. One of them kindly took the baby bird home and researched on what to feed the sweet baby and was able to find a rehab for baby birds who will work with the baby bird for the next 6 weeks or so until it is back to full health.
That just makes my heart smile.

Today. I am tired.
Friday, June 12, 2009

Swimming Can Be Dangerous to Your...Finger?
Circle swimming is common in swim classes with multiple people in each lane.
Inevitable you are going to hit inside arms/hands from time to time.
ProK always says swimming is a contact sport.
Sometimes that inside hand get a good whack!
Luckily, I can bend it so it's just jammed.

Now - to figure out when this happend!
first of all ProK had me swim with the Sharks - ack - scary! i knwo it's good for me, but it's scary, too! They are fast over there.
I remember having a run-in with someone's hand and I assumed it was Tyler.
Throughout class it was burning like I scraped it. I didn't rememebr hitting the lane line or anything.
As I was walking out of the locker room I looked down and holy bruise, batman! It was already swollen and burised. Uh-oh. But it's only a pinky finger (which my co-worker thinks I need).
But I can bend it and the swelling has gone down a lot. Now it's jsut bruised and looks a little deformed - must have jammed it.
The best part is I told Tyler's wife that her husband broke my finger.
His response - that I kicked him in his head.
First I thought - well that must have echoed haha.
then I realized i bet I didn't kick him in the head, but i hit him in the head and that's how I hurt my finger.
Man that boy is hard headed! Maybe that's why he runs so damn fast.
Note: it looks better in the picture. and no I am not getting x-rays done for a stupid pinky finger.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Feel Your Inner Tina
Rollin! Rollin! Rollin on a River!
Okay, so I may not be Tina Turner, and I may not be rollin on a river, but I am rolling along.
Literally in fact!
Yesterday was another GREAT day at PT with Annie.
not only did I continue to run 1 minute intervals on the readmill, I moved up in speed to 6.0. Getting better.
AND she told me I can ride OUTSIDE!!!
I was originally supposed to wait for 2 more weeks until my 8 week post-op exam. This is when Dr. Z would tell me if I could ride outside and start running.
But Annie has me moving right along ahead of schedule (Triathlon training came in handy maybe)
So this weekend I will be rolling along the road at the Tavern pre-ride. I know I have to take it slow, but still - I get to be out there!!!
Okay, so I may not be Tina Turner, and I may not be rollin on a river, but I am rolling along.
Literally in fact!
Yesterday was another GREAT day at PT with Annie.
not only did I continue to run 1 minute intervals on the readmill, I moved up in speed to 6.0. Getting better.
AND she told me I can ride OUTSIDE!!!
I was originally supposed to wait for 2 more weeks until my 8 week post-op exam. This is when Dr. Z would tell me if I could ride outside and start running.
But Annie has me moving right along ahead of schedule (Triathlon training came in handy maybe)
So this weekend I will be rolling along the road at the Tavern pre-ride. I know I have to take it slow, but still - I get to be out there!!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
BD is now TD
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday, dear David.
Happy Birthday to you!
Today BD (Baby David) becomes TD (Toddler David).
And how is my favorite nephew spending his first birthday?
Getting tubes in his ears. Poor little guy is having a rough morning.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday, dear David.
Happy Birthday to you!
Today BD (Baby David) becomes TD (Toddler David).
And how is my favorite nephew spending his first birthday?
Getting tubes in his ears. Poor little guy is having a rough morning.
But Grandma did get him a very fun Radio Flyer wagon!
I can't wait to eat cake with you!
I love you little man!
I can't wait to eat cake with you!
I love you little man!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Running on Eggshells
an exciting morning at Physical Therapy.
I ran ONE MINUTE intervals for 15 minutes!
1 minute walk / 1 minute run.
PT Annie told me to "run on eggshells" and so I did.
It's awful hard trying to not land "toe-ball-heel" as you do in ballet. I think my body will always be trained to land softly that way.
I ran ONE MINUTE intervals for 15 minutes!
1 minute walk / 1 minute run.
PT Annie told me to "run on eggshells" and so I did.
It's awful hard trying to not land "toe-ball-heel" as you do in ballet. I think my body will always be trained to land softly that way.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Coming Along
Last night I did my first 10 minutes on the elliptical!
this morning at PT I jumped! And I ran 5x30 seconds!
this morning at PT I jumped! And I ran 5x30 seconds!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Where has the time gone?
First of all, I feel like I was jsut answering questions on buying bikes and what the heck a triathlon is.
And this morning I watched the Baby Pinks cross the line of victory - so proud of them!
One week has gone by without the use of crutches and I am feeling great! No more steri-strips now either! I think the scar is lookign quite nice (although some may get a weak stomach when seeing it).
Running - I have started pool running - although I Admit I havebeen a bit laz my first week back. I was able to run for 30 seconds (talk about endurance!) ont he treadmill at PT the other day. And I can now do the elliptical for 10 minutes.
Biking - I can ride the recumbant bike. I did the spin class once and learned I need to work my way into spin class. I didn't know if I could pick my foot up afterwards.
Swimming - I have gotten back to swim class! Kicking drills aren't much fun, but at least I can be in the water and swimming again. and without the use of a pull buoy either!
Weights - I went back to weights class the other day. I was scared to do a lot of things, so I didn't do too much, but this week I will try to do some more.
High five to the greek festival!
(and thank you again Little Tri D - that may have been the bext slice of pizza EVER!)
And this morning I watched the Baby Pinks cross the line of victory - so proud of them!
One week has gone by without the use of crutches and I am feeling great! No more steri-strips now either! I think the scar is lookign quite nice (although some may get a weak stomach when seeing it).
Running - I have started pool running - although I Admit I havebeen a bit laz my first week back. I was able to run for 30 seconds (talk about endurance!) ont he treadmill at PT the other day. And I can now do the elliptical for 10 minutes.
Biking - I can ride the recumbant bike. I did the spin class once and learned I need to work my way into spin class. I didn't know if I could pick my foot up afterwards.
Swimming - I have gotten back to swim class! Kicking drills aren't much fun, but at least I can be in the water and swimming again. and without the use of a pull buoy either!
Weights - I went back to weights class the other day. I was scared to do a lot of things, so I didn't do too much, but this week I will try to do some more.
High five to the greek festival!
(and thank you again Little Tri D - that may have been the bext slice of pizza EVER!)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
3 Weeks Post-Op
Wednesday. Hump Day. Still have 2.5 days until the weekend. What a drag.
Well, not today!
This morning I had my 3 week post-op appt with my surgeon/sports med doctor. And I walked out smiling. A smile so big you would think someone hit me on the back so hard that my face stuck!
1. First and foremost, the wound is closed. No more bandages! The steri-strips will start to fall off in the next few days.
2. No more crutches! That’s right – no more metal apparatus to knock into everything. I can hobble around on my own two feet!
3. Next week…I can get back in the pool. Good thing I just ordered some new goggles; swim class here I come!
4. Since I can get back in the pool….I can aqua jog! Although this is not exactly an exhilarating form of exercise, it’s a big step in recovery. I have some new aqua jog resistance shoes and wrist weights to make it a little more fun. And thank goodness my brother got me a SwimP3 a few years ago to keep myself entertained. (SQ you know this sounds fun) I can work my way up to the elliptical – or as I call it, ellipticalizing! If I trained for the San Francisco marathon all on the elliptical, surely I can start my Ironman marathon training that way, too!
5. Not only can I get in the water, but I can get back on the bike!!! Not just the recumbent bike, but my very own bike! Granted it needs to be on a trainer or in spin class, but at least I am spinning away!
6. Weight room, do you remember me? Well you better because I am on my way.
7. Last but not least – driving. The concern with driving is a safety issue. I don’t have much dorsal flexion still. He said I can push the brake with my left foot, but should probably practice this in a parking lot first. Who wants to come?
I have been playing by the rules and my results show it! Although I still have “the cankle” it will go down more as I begin to more active, same with the numbness in my foot.
In five weeks (so 8 weeks post-op) I will go back to (hopefully) get the okay to start pounding the pavement in my running shoes.
I hope you are having a great day, too!
Well, not today!
This morning I had my 3 week post-op appt with my surgeon/sports med doctor. And I walked out smiling. A smile so big you would think someone hit me on the back so hard that my face stuck!
1. First and foremost, the wound is closed. No more bandages! The steri-strips will start to fall off in the next few days.
2. No more crutches! That’s right – no more metal apparatus to knock into everything. I can hobble around on my own two feet!
3. Next week…I can get back in the pool. Good thing I just ordered some new goggles; swim class here I come!
4. Since I can get back in the pool….I can aqua jog! Although this is not exactly an exhilarating form of exercise, it’s a big step in recovery. I have some new aqua jog resistance shoes and wrist weights to make it a little more fun. And thank goodness my brother got me a SwimP3 a few years ago to keep myself entertained. (SQ you know this sounds fun) I can work my way up to the elliptical – or as I call it, ellipticalizing! If I trained for the San Francisco marathon all on the elliptical, surely I can start my Ironman marathon training that way, too!
5. Not only can I get in the water, but I can get back on the bike!!! Not just the recumbent bike, but my very own bike! Granted it needs to be on a trainer or in spin class, but at least I am spinning away!
6. Weight room, do you remember me? Well you better because I am on my way.
7. Last but not least – driving. The concern with driving is a safety issue. I don’t have much dorsal flexion still. He said I can push the brake with my left foot, but should probably practice this in a parking lot first. Who wants to come?
I have been playing by the rules and my results show it! Although I still have “the cankle” it will go down more as I begin to more active, same with the numbness in my foot.
In five weeks (so 8 weeks post-op) I will go back to (hopefully) get the okay to start pounding the pavement in my running shoes.
I hope you are having a great day, too!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
PT #3
Last night was rough. My ankle and toe were killing me softly. I tried to ise my leg, but it was so heavy. I got the anxious feeling again and had to take half a perc to get to sleep. I was jsut so uncomfortable.
Today we had a breakthrough.
Well first of all my toe hurt becuase of my walking on my foot properly.
My ankle hurt becuase of the ankle exercises, which are a bit progressive, and I did not ice right after PT.
However....I am down to one crutch!
Today we had a breakthrough.
Well first of all my toe hurt becuase of my walking on my foot properly.
My ankle hurt becuase of the ankle exercises, which are a bit progressive, and I did not ice right after PT.
However....I am down to one crutch!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
PT #2
This morning was my 2nd PT session - the first "real" one, since last time I was still all bandaged up.
Annie is being nice to far =)
We started out with my home exercises and stretches as a warm up and we ended...
With a 6 minute ride on the recumbant bike!
Granted I was only pedaling with one leg, the other one got to go along for the ride!
I should be able to get rid of these balsted crutches in about a week, too!
Hopefully after my post-op appt next week I will get the "all clear" to get back in the pool and start driving again!
I would like to send a shout out to all my limo services. All these appointments require me finding lots of rides and it's so nice to have so many of my friends help me out. I hope I can return the favor for them one day...although not for an injury!
Annie is being nice to far =)
We started out with my home exercises and stretches as a warm up and we ended...
With a 6 minute ride on the recumbant bike!
Granted I was only pedaling with one leg, the other one got to go along for the ride!
I should be able to get rid of these balsted crutches in about a week, too!
Hopefully after my post-op appt next week I will get the "all clear" to get back in the pool and start driving again!
I would like to send a shout out to all my limo services. All these appointments require me finding lots of rides and it's so nice to have so many of my friends help me out. I hope I can return the favor for them one day...although not for an injury!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Post-Op Appointment #1: Not for the faint
I didn't think today would ever come. My first post-op appointment. The day my sutures would be removed and the large bandage would no longer get in the way of my leg fully moving and getting into clothes!
TG Cathy picked me up and we were hopping to the car I mentioned to her my excitement in this adventure - adventure it what it was. Cathy's car had some bad gas - like eating too much mexican bad gas. This kept us entertained for the trip.
I got all checked in and Nurse Trish called me to the back. She saw that now that I am putting some weight on my foot I am walking tortoise slow - the hare would definitely win these days. So she moved me into the first room. I hopped up on the table as she got the suture removal kit. I couldn't wait to look under neach all the wrap, gauze and goodies. (Ok so maybe I peeked yesterday morning). Boy was that ga-ro-dee.
Time for the steri-strips to be removed (whoo getting faint thinking about it) As she peeled back the strip revealing the wound I see it still open. (gag reflex). Deep breaths, fave. Deep breaths. she explains to me that it is only one stitch - called a running stitch along the inside. she cuts the end - owie. Dr. Z comes in to check on me and about this time I am getting hot. not warm. Hot. Did someone turn up the heat because man I am dripping sweat. color - where did you go? they both look at me as I am now seeing spots. You feeling okay? I shake my head 'no' as I can't even speak. They quickly lay me down and put my knees up and start fanning me and get me some water. Trish keeps me talking. It felt like an hour, but was probably only about 5 minutes then I am able to breath normally again. I decide it is best that I do not watch her put on the new steri-strips.
Good news is I can take a shower! Not a bath, but a shower. What does this mean? I can shave my legs! IronGreg's legs are smoother than mine these days - there is something wrong with that. I of course can't clean the area of the wound, but at least I can get the leg wet now. And these new steri-strips will eventually fall off.
And now I can see the wound whenever I feel like it. The bruising is exposed, which my coworkers are enjoying since I am wearing shorts today. One step closer to recovery.
I would also like to high-five all my girls (and guys) that did Kinetic and White Lake this past weekend. you never cease to amaze me.
TG Cathy picked me up and we were hopping to the car I mentioned to her my excitement in this adventure - adventure it what it was. Cathy's car had some bad gas - like eating too much mexican bad gas. This kept us entertained for the trip.
I got all checked in and Nurse Trish called me to the back. She saw that now that I am putting some weight on my foot I am walking tortoise slow - the hare would definitely win these days. So she moved me into the first room. I hopped up on the table as she got the suture removal kit. I couldn't wait to look under neach all the wrap, gauze and goodies. (Ok so maybe I peeked yesterday morning). Boy was that ga-ro-dee.

Good news is I can take a shower! Not a bath, but a shower. What does this mean? I can shave my legs! IronGreg's legs are smoother than mine these days - there is something wrong with that. I of course can't clean the area of the wound, but at least I can get the leg wet now. And these new steri-strips will eventually fall off.
And now I can see the wound whenever I feel like it. The bruising is exposed, which my coworkers are enjoying since I am wearing shorts today. One step closer to recovery.
I would also like to high-five all my girls (and guys) that did Kinetic and White Lake this past weekend. you never cease to amaze me.
Friday, May 8, 2009
I started PT this morning.
I decided to go with my friend and team mate Annie. She understands the craziness I do and she is quite convenient - on my way to my office! Maybe working with her I will get some of her super speediness, too!
The accomplishment this morning - I can now put a maximum of 25% of weight on my leg! I am a sloooooow walker, but will get there soon! Yay!
I decided to go with my friend and team mate Annie. She understands the craziness I do and she is quite convenient - on my way to my office! Maybe working with her I will get some of her super speediness, too!
The accomplishment this morning - I can now put a maximum of 25% of weight on my leg! I am a sloooooow walker, but will get there soon! Yay!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Rain rain go away

I am indifferent about rain.
Last night I got excited about all the rain we've been having when I saw my first 4 little tomatoes hanging off the plant, my spinach has quadrupled in size, and my lavender has doubled!
However, this morning I have changed my mind.
It started out as normal as these crutches make my morning routine. I hobbled out of the car (friend drops me off right at the front door) and into the building where my maintenance man was holding the door open for me. I take one hobble into the lobby and *SQUEAK* there go the crutches. Wet bottoms ont he shiney floor not so good. Wordt of all is that instinct is to keep from falling to the right - sam your right foot down., So that is what I did. HOLY SHIT. I couldn't get to my desk fast enough to allow the tears to flow without everyone seeing. My friend came and brought me an ice pack and my leg is elevated.
I don't think I tore the stitches, but that muscle might explode. It's jsut throbbing. I don't have pain meds with me nor can I take them at work ZZZZzzzz. And I am on Aspirin to avoid blood clots (since it's a lower leg incision my chances are increased) so I can't take any OTC drugs like tylenol or advil.
Rain Rain Go Away.
Come again when I can walk on TWO legs!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Surgery Report
It's been 6 days since my anterior lateral fasciotomy. And I feel like it was just yesterday.
Mom and Greg took me first to the DMV to pick up my handicapped pass. Mom and I went in while Greg stayed outside to eat so I didn't have to look at his delicious bagel. While we waited we watched a man, a very kind man, who was pushing 90 get his DRIVER'S LICENSE RENEWED! His daughter had to re-tell him everything the DMV attendant was saying bc his hearing aid must not have been turned up high enough. he couldn't read all the lines so they asked him if he saw blinking lights. We just sat there and stared. The guy in front of us took a picture of all this with his camera phone.
Next stop: Advaced Orthopaedic Surgery Center.
It was a very quick sign in and they brought me to the back. I barely had time to sit down before I was kissing mom and Greg bye. After getting int the gorgeous gown and cap, they brought mom and Greg back to sit with me. It was definitely entertaining being in that place! so much going on. I met with different nurses, doctors, anestesi...well don';t make me spell it. let me tell ya - that guy was a bundle of energy. He was going to put me to sleep without any drugs. But I guess that's a good thing. They finally wheeled me to the back. The room was big and white.
Next thing I know I bolted awake! The first thng I said, "Did I talk in my sleep?" Unfortunately not. "Well did I do anything fun in my sleep?" No. "Man, I'm boring". I rub my eyes and there's mom and Greg back to see me!
We went home and I already had the sofa bed pulled out ready for my arrival. But first I had to pee something crazy! I guess this is what pregnant women feel like. They told me when I got home to eat and take my medicine, including 2 percocets every 4 hours for the first 48 hours. Clearly they do not realize that I am tough. I only need 1 percocet at a time. Holy hell - give me more percocet! They weren't kidding. And you have to eat with it, and not just a little sampler, but a meal to not get sick. So I had LOTS of pizza, chik-fil-a, ice cream...the works! (calories don't count after surgery)
A few of my girlfriends came by and kept me company and everyone has been tkaing SUCH good care of me. It's very hard being dependent on people. I can't even carry the laundry to the washing machine! It's like not only did I lose the use of a leg, but also both arms because they are holding the crutches.
On Saturday night I noticed a red spot around my knee. It was VERY tender and warm to the touch. I called in adn the on-call doc called me back and told me to outline the area and then call back if it grows. Sunday morning it was looking good. The Sunday night it came back...bigger! So I call in and this time the on call doc, was my own Dr. Z. He wass concerned I had an infection! He thought about asking me to meet him at the ER, but then decided that it was probably cellulitis (cellu-what!!! um that word and I don't get along). So I went in first thng monday morning to see him. he was waiting for me when I got there. But the "hot spot" was gone again. So then he sent me over to the hospital to have a blood clot test done. As I was wheeled around the hospital by a 90 year old man - there is something wrong with this picture - but his son in PA does triathlons, too! blood clot came back negative - thank goodness!!! my leg was re-wrapped so I could bend my ankle better for my ankle pumps. Yowsers! those hurt!
I am feeling better. Night time is hard. it is just plain uncomfortable. my foot is swollen, but I can get a sneaker on it now. I start PT with TG Annie on Friday - I hope she's nice to me! and then on monday the blessed day. I get my stitches out.
Other exciting weekend news: B.D. IS WALKING!
Mom and Greg took me first to the DMV to pick up my handicapped pass. Mom and I went in while Greg stayed outside to eat so I didn't have to look at his delicious bagel. While we waited we watched a man, a very kind man, who was pushing 90 get his DRIVER'S LICENSE RENEWED! His daughter had to re-tell him everything the DMV attendant was saying bc his hearing aid must not have been turned up high enough. he couldn't read all the lines so they asked him if he saw blinking lights. We just sat there and stared. The guy in front of us took a picture of all this with his camera phone.
Next stop: Advaced Orthopaedic Surgery Center.
It was a very quick sign in and they brought me to the back. I barely had time to sit down before I was kissing mom and Greg bye. After getting int the gorgeous gown and cap, they brought mom and Greg back to sit with me. It was definitely entertaining being in that place! so much going on. I met with different nurses, doctors, anestesi...well don';t make me spell it. let me tell ya - that guy was a bundle of energy. He was going to put me to sleep without any drugs. But I guess that's a good thing. They finally wheeled me to the back. The room was big and white.
Next thing I know I bolted awake! The first thng I said, "Did I talk in my sleep?" Unfortunately not. "Well did I do anything fun in my sleep?" No. "Man, I'm boring". I rub my eyes and there's mom and Greg back to see me!
We went home and I already had the sofa bed pulled out ready for my arrival. But first I had to pee something crazy! I guess this is what pregnant women feel like. They told me when I got home to eat and take my medicine, including 2 percocets every 4 hours for the first 48 hours. Clearly they do not realize that I am tough. I only need 1 percocet at a time. Holy hell - give me more percocet! They weren't kidding. And you have to eat with it, and not just a little sampler, but a meal to not get sick. So I had LOTS of pizza, chik-fil-a, ice cream...the works! (calories don't count after surgery)
A few of my girlfriends came by and kept me company and everyone has been tkaing SUCH good care of me. It's very hard being dependent on people. I can't even carry the laundry to the washing machine! It's like not only did I lose the use of a leg, but also both arms because they are holding the crutches.
On Saturday night I noticed a red spot around my knee. It was VERY tender and warm to the touch. I called in adn the on-call doc called me back and told me to outline the area and then call back if it grows. Sunday morning it was looking good. The Sunday night it came back...bigger! So I call in and this time the on call doc, was my own Dr. Z. He wass concerned I had an infection! He thought about asking me to meet him at the ER, but then decided that it was probably cellulitis (cellu-what!!! um that word and I don't get along). So I went in first thng monday morning to see him. he was waiting for me when I got there. But the "hot spot" was gone again. So then he sent me over to the hospital to have a blood clot test done. As I was wheeled around the hospital by a 90 year old man - there is something wrong with this picture - but his son in PA does triathlons, too! blood clot came back negative - thank goodness!!! my leg was re-wrapped so I could bend my ankle better for my ankle pumps. Yowsers! those hurt!
I am feeling better. Night time is hard. it is just plain uncomfortable. my foot is swollen, but I can get a sneaker on it now. I start PT with TG Annie on Friday - I hope she's nice to me! and then on monday the blessed day. I get my stitches out.
Other exciting weekend news: B.D. IS WALKING!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
BL goes...Ironman?,,20276619,00.html
not sure how I feel about this. I think it’s great on one hand, and I think it’s marketing gone overboard on the other hand.
I cannot wait to see tonight’s episode. How is Ron going to run a marathon with his health history? That’s just foolish.
not sure how I feel about this. I think it’s great on one hand, and I think it’s marketing gone overboard on the other hand.
I cannot wait to see tonight’s episode. How is Ron going to run a marathon with his health history? That’s just foolish.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
it's the Final Countdown
I just got the time for surgery. I check in at 9:30am. At least I won’t have to go too long without any food or water.
On my way there I will detour by the DMV to pick up my handicap pass. (It’s good for 3 months – too bad it’s not Christmas at the mall!)
I have my medicine filled and ready.
I bought some new toe nail polish.
I got the new People Style mag for my reading pleasure.
Mom is brining the Bride Wars DVD for post-op movie viewing.
David is coming to see me tomorrow afternoon.
I lifted weights and rode my bike last night.
Swam this morning.
A couple friends are coming over tonight for the “Last Chance Workout” – a short run in the ‘hood.
Here goes nothing.
On my way there I will detour by the DMV to pick up my handicap pass. (It’s good for 3 months – too bad it’s not Christmas at the mall!)
I have my medicine filled and ready.
I bought some new toe nail polish.
I got the new People Style mag for my reading pleasure.
Mom is brining the Bride Wars DVD for post-op movie viewing.
David is coming to see me tomorrow afternoon.
I lifted weights and rode my bike last night.
Swam this morning.
A couple friends are coming over tonight for the “Last Chance Workout” – a short run in the ‘hood.
Here goes nothing.
Monday, April 27, 2009
P-I-C: Be Afraid
Partners - in - crime.
Now Partners - on - crutches.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Mainly because SQ and Favey will be on crutches, painkillers, are neighbors, wine.
We once throught it was ironic that we both had older brothers...named Matt...that were doing Timberman 70.3 in 2008.
Then we bought condos less than a block from each other.
Now we have surgery pretty much together. Same bat place. Almost the same bat time.
so, yes, be afraid.
Now Partners - on - crutches.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Mainly because SQ and Favey will be on crutches, painkillers, are neighbors, wine.
We once throught it was ironic that we both had older brothers...named Matt...that were doing Timberman 70.3 in 2008.
Then we bought condos less than a block from each other.
Now we have surgery pretty much together. Same bat place. Almost the same bat time.
so, yes, be afraid.
Am I really having surgery in 3 days?
People have asked me if I am ready.
Is one ever ready to be sliced open and permanently scarred?
But I guess I am ready to accept that this is in my very near future.
I have gone to the grocery store, target, and run errands. (dammit I forgot air filters!)
I went for a long bike ride this weekend.
I spent sunday by the pool getting the last little bit of sun on my legs for awhile.
I went for an extra swim this morning.
I vacuumed the house. Up next: dusting and mopping.
I think I am about ready to spend a week with my feet kicked up...literally.
People have asked me if I am ready.
Is one ever ready to be sliced open and permanently scarred?
But I guess I am ready to accept that this is in my very near future.
I have gone to the grocery store, target, and run errands. (dammit I forgot air filters!)
I went for a long bike ride this weekend.
I spent sunday by the pool getting the last little bit of sun on my legs for awhile.
I went for an extra swim this morning.
I vacuumed the house. Up next: dusting and mopping.
I think I am about ready to spend a week with my feet kicked up...literally.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Counting Down
1 week from today is my fasciotomy.
A few ideas...
Bedazzling crutches
Making handle covers with all the fabric samples I have laying aorund my office (the beuty of being a designer)
7 days and counting...
A few ideas...
Bedazzling crutches
Making handle covers with all the fabric samples I have laying aorund my office (the beuty of being a designer)
7 days and counting...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Baby Showering?
I don't know about what water your friends are drinking, but if they are dipping in the same well as mine, then you also have Baby Fever running rampant!
However, I do love planning showers! (baby and wedding!)
I love searching and finding exciting new give-aways, decorations, and of course, my favorit e- the invitations.
I jsut found my absolute FAVORITE baby shower invitation website.
Because if you are anything like me - going to the fun invitation stores require time that you jsut don't have.
Instant proofs, variety of fonts, help with rhyming. The works!
Seriously - the BEST ever.
Happ Baby Showering!
However, I do love planning showers! (baby and wedding!)
I love searching and finding exciting new give-aways, decorations, and of course, my favorit e- the invitations.
I jsut found my absolute FAVORITE baby shower invitation website.
Because if you are anything like me - going to the fun invitation stores require time that you jsut don't have.
Instant proofs, variety of fonts, help with rhyming. The works!
Seriously - the BEST ever.
Happ Baby Showering!
With Ironman Arizona on the horizon, it's going to be a long season.
I haven't raced since Timberman 70.3 last year and have had quite the easy off-season. It hink my training partners heard me say "But it's my off-season" more times than they would care to.
I was schedule to participate in Rockett's Landing - the first local Olympic distance and with a purse, it ws drawing quite the elite crowd. A perfect way to kick off the season and clean off the cobwebs.
Put on the brakes.
It will be 2 weeks post-op. Bummer! no can do anymore.
Fortunately, the RD is allowing me to do another one of their races.
So I have added I Love the Tavern Aquavelo to the list for the year.
I have never done an Aquavelo. But since it's only 7 weeks post-op I will not be running 3 miles yet. But I will be (hopefully) able to handle the swim and the bike.
So here's to clearing out the cobwebs - something lots of my friends are doing this weekend at Rumpass in Bumpass, including my IronGreg!
(I wanted to do this rae just for a t-shirt that said 'Rumpass in Bumpass')
I haven't raced since Timberman 70.3 last year and have had quite the easy off-season. It hink my training partners heard me say "But it's my off-season" more times than they would care to.
I was schedule to participate in Rockett's Landing - the first local Olympic distance and with a purse, it ws drawing quite the elite crowd. A perfect way to kick off the season and clean off the cobwebs.
Put on the brakes.
It will be 2 weeks post-op. Bummer! no can do anymore.
Fortunately, the RD is allowing me to do another one of their races.
So I have added I Love the Tavern Aquavelo to the list for the year.
I have never done an Aquavelo. But since it's only 7 weeks post-op I will not be running 3 miles yet. But I will be (hopefully) able to handle the swim and the bike.
So here's to clearing out the cobwebs - something lots of my friends are doing this weekend at Rumpass in Bumpass, including my IronGreg!
(I wanted to do this rae just for a t-shirt that said 'Rumpass in Bumpass')
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Costco vs. BJ's
Okay - I am looking into the wholesale club membership.
Who likes which one and why?
Any and all feedback would be helpful, thanks!
Who likes which one and why?
Any and all feedback would be helpful, thanks!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Over the past 2 years of doing triathlons I have had little aches and pains.
Some haven driven me to see sports medicine doctors.
Some I am able to deal with.
First I had knee issues.
I saw Dr. Zaslav and Dr. Stadler over this.
Fortunately over the years as I have strengthened my quadricep, this has gotten SO much better. Sure from time to time it twinges, but it's not painful like it used to be.
The more recent injury has been the pain in my shin which last year was diagnosed as compartment syndrome. It's something I have always felt. I remember I used to hate speed walking with friends for exercise in college b/c it would make my shin hurt. Jogging actually felt better than walking!
As I have increased my training it has caused this pressure to build up enough to officially be diagnosed by Dr. Stadler. I spent some time in Physical Therapy with the great Jim Miller. This seemed to be working!
What is CECS?
Think of your muscle like a sausage. The meat being your muscle and the skin being your fascia. When everyone exercises your muscles require more oxygen and blood flow so they expand. Sometimes the fascia does not expand with your muscle cutting off blood flow and oxygen to that area. This is common in hands and legs.
I continued to take time off as I trained for Timerbman 70.3 - which during that race I had to walk up the hills because the shin was so swollen =(.
I took time off and slowly worked my way into marathon training. There were days I thought my leg was going to completely explode and there were days where it was manageable.
This winter I took it VERY easy. I haven't run much - enough to get me through. Unfortunately, the past month or so it has felt worse. My whole lower leg goes numb - it's so weird! I first started feeling it during my track workouts, but of course pretended it was my gait or something - which through this I think my gait is getting better although it still has a ways to go.
Then during the Monument 10k I had 2 issues - the stomach and the leg. I blamed everything on the stomach because I was too afraid of admitting how bad my leg hurt. I didn't tell anyone - not even IronGreg.
The following weekend I signed up to do the Ashland 10k. I wanted to work on nutrition and see how my stomach did. Well my stomach did a little better - still had issues, but not as bad. However, the leg was worse. And this time my friend Lizzy was running with me so there was no hiding my pain.
So on Monday after the race I called Dr. Zaslav to see if he knew anything else to help me out here. they asked me to come in right away when I was on the phone. Well, I work so I couldn't just get up and leave! So since I had Good Friday off I made my way in to go see him. We talked for a bit and he said that the reason at around mile 2 my foot was numb and by mile 4 my whole lower leg was because there was no blood or oxygen getting to that area - the furthest point away from the pressurized muscled first. he said I am a textbook case. And although Dr. Stadler and I have been doing everything right -it was obvious that the conservative methods of treating CECS (chronic exertional compartment syndrome) were just not working. And to make this go away once and for all - a fasciotomy.
So on April 28th I go in and have all my compartments tested, since only one has been tested so far. Afterwards I find out which compartments will be operated on and get all the pre-op informational meeting.
Then on April 30th I go in for the fasciotomy.
What is a fasciotomy?
Well - do not google it. I repeat do not google it. And if you do, beware it is not pretty pictures. Most pictures shown are emergency fasciotomies where it's just an ugly mess requiring grafting and all. That is not what is happening to me.
I will have 2 x 2" incisions on my shin where they go in and cut the fascia around my muscle. This will allow my muscle to expand when I exercise. It might look funny when it happens, but at least I will have blood and oxygen flowing to my leg!
He said I will have scars =(
I wonder if Costco sells Mederma!
What does this mean for Ironman Arizona training?
He wants to do the surgery right away to not get in the way of training too much. I will be on crutches at first. For the first 3 weeks I can't do anything. Although Coach G had a great point - that this is the time to clean out closets and such that I won't have time to do when training picks up!
After 10 days I get my stitches out.
After 3 weeks I can get back in the pool and on the stationary bike.
After 6 weeks I should be able to start running again. Albeit slowly.
So IMAZ is definitely still do-able. My training will focus on the swim and the bike and the run will be just to finish.
I am nervous because I have under had surgery, if you want to call it that, when getting my wisdom teeth out.
I am excited to be able to run again. The post run frustrations were really getting the best of me. I just want to be able to run. I was doing so well before all this.
I am not looking forward to the scars. =( But like IronGreg and my wonderful friends have said - they will be tough badass scars.
I will not be able to participate in the upcoming Rockett's Landing triathlon. But hopefully, I will be able to volunteer on teh run course with my other CZC volunteers!
So for the next 18 days I will be wearing skirts and heels as much as possible - I hope the weather cooperates with my fashion plan.
My first week back, my wonderful co-worker has agreed to take me to and from work everyday since it is my right leg so driving won't be possible at first. Many thanks to her in advance for that!
I will be accepting dog walkers - walking up and down 2 flights of stairs on crutches with a dog just doesn't sound fun, although I might win America's Funniest Home Videos!
And I have changed the date of my exam for post-op, so this will give me time when I can't train to focus on my LEED exam!
My fingers are tired of typing now.
Oh wait! I am drinking a hot chocolate now. Mmmmm Lent is over. Happy Easter!
Some haven driven me to see sports medicine doctors.
Some I am able to deal with.
First I had knee issues.
I saw Dr. Zaslav and Dr. Stadler over this.
Fortunately over the years as I have strengthened my quadricep, this has gotten SO much better. Sure from time to time it twinges, but it's not painful like it used to be.
The more recent injury has been the pain in my shin which last year was diagnosed as compartment syndrome. It's something I have always felt. I remember I used to hate speed walking with friends for exercise in college b/c it would make my shin hurt. Jogging actually felt better than walking!
As I have increased my training it has caused this pressure to build up enough to officially be diagnosed by Dr. Stadler. I spent some time in Physical Therapy with the great Jim Miller. This seemed to be working!
What is CECS?
Think of your muscle like a sausage. The meat being your muscle and the skin being your fascia. When everyone exercises your muscles require more oxygen and blood flow so they expand. Sometimes the fascia does not expand with your muscle cutting off blood flow and oxygen to that area. This is common in hands and legs.
I continued to take time off as I trained for Timerbman 70.3 - which during that race I had to walk up the hills because the shin was so swollen =(.
I took time off and slowly worked my way into marathon training. There were days I thought my leg was going to completely explode and there were days where it was manageable.
This winter I took it VERY easy. I haven't run much - enough to get me through. Unfortunately, the past month or so it has felt worse. My whole lower leg goes numb - it's so weird! I first started feeling it during my track workouts, but of course pretended it was my gait or something - which through this I think my gait is getting better although it still has a ways to go.
Then during the Monument 10k I had 2 issues - the stomach and the leg. I blamed everything on the stomach because I was too afraid of admitting how bad my leg hurt. I didn't tell anyone - not even IronGreg.
The following weekend I signed up to do the Ashland 10k. I wanted to work on nutrition and see how my stomach did. Well my stomach did a little better - still had issues, but not as bad. However, the leg was worse. And this time my friend Lizzy was running with me so there was no hiding my pain.
So on Monday after the race I called Dr. Zaslav to see if he knew anything else to help me out here. they asked me to come in right away when I was on the phone. Well, I work so I couldn't just get up and leave! So since I had Good Friday off I made my way in to go see him. We talked for a bit and he said that the reason at around mile 2 my foot was numb and by mile 4 my whole lower leg was because there was no blood or oxygen getting to that area - the furthest point away from the pressurized muscled first. he said I am a textbook case. And although Dr. Stadler and I have been doing everything right -it was obvious that the conservative methods of treating CECS (chronic exertional compartment syndrome) were just not working. And to make this go away once and for all - a fasciotomy.
So on April 28th I go in and have all my compartments tested, since only one has been tested so far. Afterwards I find out which compartments will be operated on and get all the pre-op informational meeting.
Then on April 30th I go in for the fasciotomy.
What is a fasciotomy?
Well - do not google it. I repeat do not google it. And if you do, beware it is not pretty pictures. Most pictures shown are emergency fasciotomies where it's just an ugly mess requiring grafting and all. That is not what is happening to me.
I will have 2 x 2" incisions on my shin where they go in and cut the fascia around my muscle. This will allow my muscle to expand when I exercise. It might look funny when it happens, but at least I will have blood and oxygen flowing to my leg!
He said I will have scars =(
I wonder if Costco sells Mederma!
What does this mean for Ironman Arizona training?
He wants to do the surgery right away to not get in the way of training too much. I will be on crutches at first. For the first 3 weeks I can't do anything. Although Coach G had a great point - that this is the time to clean out closets and such that I won't have time to do when training picks up!
After 10 days I get my stitches out.
After 3 weeks I can get back in the pool and on the stationary bike.
After 6 weeks I should be able to start running again. Albeit slowly.
So IMAZ is definitely still do-able. My training will focus on the swim and the bike and the run will be just to finish.
I am nervous because I have under had surgery, if you want to call it that, when getting my wisdom teeth out.
I am excited to be able to run again. The post run frustrations were really getting the best of me. I just want to be able to run. I was doing so well before all this.
I am not looking forward to the scars. =( But like IronGreg and my wonderful friends have said - they will be tough badass scars.
I will not be able to participate in the upcoming Rockett's Landing triathlon. But hopefully, I will be able to volunteer on teh run course with my other CZC volunteers!
So for the next 18 days I will be wearing skirts and heels as much as possible - I hope the weather cooperates with my fashion plan.
My first week back, my wonderful co-worker has agreed to take me to and from work everyday since it is my right leg so driving won't be possible at first. Many thanks to her in advance for that!
I will be accepting dog walkers - walking up and down 2 flights of stairs on crutches with a dog just doesn't sound fun, although I might win America's Funniest Home Videos!
And I have changed the date of my exam for post-op, so this will give me time when I can't train to focus on my LEED exam!
My fingers are tired of typing now.
Oh wait! I am drinking a hot chocolate now. Mmmmm Lent is over. Happy Easter!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Recessionista Strikes Again

The boxes are unpacked.
The rooms have been painted.
Next task: the yard.
As she begins to tell me what needs to be done, my "recessionista light bulb" lights up!
go get a cheap pair of heels and go for a walk around the yard - no need to pay someone to aerate the grass, when you can do it yourself with a pair of heels and some good wine!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Another mental image from Sunday's ride.
(thanks to JRo for this entertaining image along the ride)

On a seperate note...
does anyone else understand the goodness of Skippy Natural peanut butter.
It's like nectar of the gods.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday was the Monument Avenue 10k
I had some GI issues along the way causing em to walk to compose myself.
But I still finished with a PR (yes, it has been THAT long since I have done a 10k)
I was hoping for a 8:40-8:50 pace, but did a 9:08.
I have decided to do the Ashland Railroad 10k this weekend to work on nutrition and pushing myself out of my comfort zone.
Yesterday I rode the course for the upcoming Rockett's Landing Triathlon.
This image sums up my feelings on that ride.
(Insert Princess instead of Toto)
I had some GI issues along the way causing em to walk to compose myself.
But I still finished with a PR (yes, it has been THAT long since I have done a 10k)
I was hoping for a 8:40-8:50 pace, but did a 9:08.

Yesterday I rode the course for the upcoming Rockett's Landing Triathlon.
This image sums up my feelings on that ride.
(Insert Princess instead of Toto)

Monday, March 23, 2009
Meet at the 'T'
This weekend is the annual Monument Ave 10k.
AKA monument mobfest.
A time when thousands of runners and walkers take over Monument Avenue.
Led by the Kenyons with veteran and new particpants throughout the field.
Spectators line the monument and tree-lined streets cheering while sipping coffee, bloodies, and mimosas.
Followed by parties, cookouts, and celebrations.
Highlights to look forward to.
One fo my BFF's, Neffaramous (the other Missy) is running this year - her first race ever!
I will NOT get sick before this year's race and ba able to participate.
IronGreg is sure to PR - he has been working awfully hard.
there will be LOTS of PINK out there!
See everyone at the 'T' afterwards.
I can't stay long, so run fast.
Here's to a week of hydrating and eating properly.
AKA monument mobfest.
A time when thousands of runners and walkers take over Monument Avenue.
Led by the Kenyons with veteran and new particpants throughout the field.
Spectators line the monument and tree-lined streets cheering while sipping coffee, bloodies, and mimosas.
Followed by parties, cookouts, and celebrations.
Highlights to look forward to.
One fo my BFF's, Neffaramous (the other Missy) is running this year - her first race ever!
I will NOT get sick before this year's race and ba able to participate.
IronGreg is sure to PR - he has been working awfully hard.
there will be LOTS of PINK out there!
See everyone at the 'T' afterwards.
I can't stay long, so run fast.
Here's to a week of hydrating and eating properly.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Change of Plans
First of all, if you are not wearing green i am sending you a virtual *pinch pinch*
I started out training with a goal...
To break 2 hours in a half marathon.
I have had some hurdles along the way with still having shin issues and adding in some foot issues.
But I know what I want, and I know wanting it is half the battle.
Unfortunately, my Grandma is not feeling well.
So this weekend, without any hesitation I am foregoing the Shamrock Half Marathon and am going to drive north to spend some time with my Grandma - I love that cute little Italian lady.
I can't wait to snuggle with her - nothing matters when Grandma holds you tight.
I wish my team mates the best of luck this weekend. I will be thinking of them along the way.
And request in my honor that 2 particular people break 2 hours in my honor since I cannot be there. (no pressure) Arriba! Arriba!
I started out training with a goal...
To break 2 hours in a half marathon.
I have had some hurdles along the way with still having shin issues and adding in some foot issues.
But I know what I want, and I know wanting it is half the battle.
Unfortunately, my Grandma is not feeling well.
So this weekend, without any hesitation I am foregoing the Shamrock Half Marathon and am going to drive north to spend some time with my Grandma - I love that cute little Italian lady.
I can't wait to snuggle with her - nothing matters when Grandma holds you tight.
I wish my team mates the best of luck this weekend. I will be thinking of them along the way.
And request in my honor that 2 particular people break 2 hours in my honor since I cannot be there. (no pressure) Arriba! Arriba!
Camp Reflections
As many of you know I am involved with an organization that is very dear to me, Comfort Zone Camp (CZC). I have been helping at the camps for 4 years now and have spent the last 2.5 years also sitting on their Volunteer Council.
For those unfamilair, CZC is the nation's largest bereavement camp for children who have lost a parent, sibling, or primary caregiver. It's a fun and safe place for grieving children. Free of charge to campers and volunteers, CZC is based out of Richmond, VA with a satellite camp in New Jersey. Serving kids allover the country, including Canada and England, CZC is now offering camps at new locations in California and Boston. At camp these kids get to meet other kids that are also hurting - they see that they are not alone. They learn that all their feelings are normal. It's okay to cry. It's okay to remember. It's okay to smile and have fun.
I just returned from camp and every time I go it's an amazing experience. The children have such stories. Some similar to mine - I lost my dad to cancer when I was 13, grandparents, uncles, and friends over the years - and some quite different from mine. Some experience multiple losses. No matter the loss, these kids show such strength and courage. They are stronger than they realize. They are truly inspriational. They have no idea the effect that their smile leaves on your soul.
Camp is a "reality check" in a way. sometimes we think our lives are so hard. We get mad at the computer for being slow. We get frustrated becuase our run times are slower than we would like. It's so easy to get caught up in the little things in life. so what the computer is being slow - at least we have one. So we aren't running our ideal pace - but at least we can run.
We have to keep in mind that everything we do we do it with our friends and fmaily at our sides. And that is what is important in life.
We need to remember to tell our friends that are our family.
We need to remember to tell our family that they are loved.
We are all so truly blessed in so many ways, even if we have experienced a loss. There is always a silver lining.
What made this camp have an extra special sparkle to it was the loss that the camp itself overcame. As we were all packing for camp Thursday night, someone broke into the camp offices and stole computers, money, etc. Fortunately, no personal information was taken. Although the camp staff walked in Friday morning to find police fingerprinting everything, they ran with what they had and made sure that camp this weekend went off just as normal regardless of the loss they were dealing with. Campers never knew this happened. And most of the volunteers had no idea either.
Like I said, there is always a silver lining.
Although the camp headquarters may have lost some computers and money. They were given attention by local news and radio spreading the word on this great organization which will hopefully get to another grieveing child in need.
Times like this , when someone acts so poorly, it brings out the good in others. As the camp staff got to the offices on Monday they were met by a local alarm system donating a FREE system and a YEAR'S worth of monthly monitoring fees. They have been blessed with donations. and in jsut a few weeks in their annual black tie fundraiser gala. The mission of Comfort Zone Camp continues to grow.
For those unfamilair, CZC is the nation's largest bereavement camp for children who have lost a parent, sibling, or primary caregiver. It's a fun and safe place for grieving children. Free of charge to campers and volunteers, CZC is based out of Richmond, VA with a satellite camp in New Jersey. Serving kids allover the country, including Canada and England, CZC is now offering camps at new locations in California and Boston. At camp these kids get to meet other kids that are also hurting - they see that they are not alone. They learn that all their feelings are normal. It's okay to cry. It's okay to remember. It's okay to smile and have fun.
I just returned from camp and every time I go it's an amazing experience. The children have such stories. Some similar to mine - I lost my dad to cancer when I was 13, grandparents, uncles, and friends over the years - and some quite different from mine. Some experience multiple losses. No matter the loss, these kids show such strength and courage. They are stronger than they realize. They are truly inspriational. They have no idea the effect that their smile leaves on your soul.
Camp is a "reality check" in a way. sometimes we think our lives are so hard. We get mad at the computer for being slow. We get frustrated becuase our run times are slower than we would like. It's so easy to get caught up in the little things in life. so what the computer is being slow - at least we have one. So we aren't running our ideal pace - but at least we can run.
We have to keep in mind that everything we do we do it with our friends and fmaily at our sides. And that is what is important in life.
We need to remember to tell our friends that are our family.
We need to remember to tell our family that they are loved.
We are all so truly blessed in so many ways, even if we have experienced a loss. There is always a silver lining.
What made this camp have an extra special sparkle to it was the loss that the camp itself overcame. As we were all packing for camp Thursday night, someone broke into the camp offices and stole computers, money, etc. Fortunately, no personal information was taken. Although the camp staff walked in Friday morning to find police fingerprinting everything, they ran with what they had and made sure that camp this weekend went off just as normal regardless of the loss they were dealing with. Campers never knew this happened. And most of the volunteers had no idea either.
Like I said, there is always a silver lining.
Although the camp headquarters may have lost some computers and money. They were given attention by local news and radio spreading the word on this great organization which will hopefully get to another grieveing child in need.
Times like this , when someone acts so poorly, it brings out the good in others. As the camp staff got to the offices on Monday they were met by a local alarm system donating a FREE system and a YEAR'S worth of monthly monitoring fees. They have been blessed with donations. and in jsut a few weeks in their annual black tie fundraiser gala. The mission of Comfort Zone Camp continues to grow.
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